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同济大学:《传播信道特征估计和建模》课程教案讲义(射线追踪)07 Deterministic channel modelling II – Examples
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同济大学:《传播信道特征估计和建模》课程教案讲义(射线追踪)06 Deterministic channel modelling I(static channel case)
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同济大学:《传播信道特征估计和建模》课程教案讲义(射线追踪)05 Ray Tracing II – Diffuse scattering modelling
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同济大学:《传播信道特征估计和建模》课程教案讲义(射线追踪)04 Ray Tracing I - Deterministic ray models
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同济大学:《传播信道特征估计和建模》课程教案讲义(射线追踪)03 Geometrical Theory of Propagation II - Diffraction, multipath
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同济大学:《传播信道特征估计和建模》课程教案讲义(射线追踪)02 Geometrical Theory of Propagation I - The ray concept – Reflection and transmission
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同济大学:《传播信道特征估计和建模》课程教案讲义(射线追踪)01 Deterministic radio propagation modeling and ray tracing - Introduction to deterministic propagation modelling
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Chapter 3.1 Physical propagation mechanisms Chapter 3.2 Channel spread function Chapter 3.3 Specular path model Chapter 3.4 Dispersive-path model Chapter 3.5 Time-evolution model Chapter 3.6 Power spectral density model
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同济大学:《传播信道特征估计和建模》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)Chapter 1 Introduction - History of Channel Characterization and Modeling
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同济大学:《传播信道特征估计和建模》课程教学资源(教案讲义)Chapter 09 Practices - channel modeling for modern communication systems
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