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1. Sexual Reproduction 2. Modes of pollination 3.(1) Self-pollinated plants 4.(2)Cross-pollinated plants 5. 3)Often cross-pollinated plants
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一、草本,节膨大。 二、单叶对生。 三、花两性,整齐,二歧聚伞花序或单生,5基数;
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Study Goals of This Chapter Main Objectives in Current Plant Breeding General Principles for Decision of Plant Breeding Objectives
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Hybridization Crossing Sexual Crossing Asexual Crossing Distant Crossing-interspecific Crossing Intraspecific Crossing-inter-varietal Crossing In this chapter: Hybridization Breeding i.e. CROSS BREEDING
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General Characteristics A. Micronutrients are required by all plants but in smaller amounts compared to the macronutrients Deficiencies of micronutrients can reduce growth just as much as deficiencies of macronutrients Remember the \Law of the minimum
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第一节 DNA的生物合成 第二节 RNA的生物合成 第三节 基因工程的简介
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第一节代谢途径的相互联系 第二节酶量的调节 第三节酶分子的活性调节 第四节代谢的区域化
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第一节:生物氧化概述 第二节:电子传递链(呼吸链) 第三节:氧化磷酸化
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❖一:核酸的一般概述 ❖二:核酸的化学组成 ❖三:核酸的分子结构 ❖四:核酸的理化性质
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