1 Introduction Background for New methodology Modern natural science methodology is mainly based on matter and energy Even though matter and energy are still necessitate factors in information system, yet the characteristic feature of information systems, particularly the complex ones, is neither matter nor energy but information Without information, the complex information systems, like brain and intelligent life. cannot be understood
18.1 Special Architectures Pipelining. Parallel Processing. Retiming. Unfolding. ia Folding Transformation Look-Ahead Technique. Associativity Transformation. Distributivity Arithmetic Processor Architectures. Computer-Aided Design. Future VLSI DSP Systems Keshab K. Parhi 18.2 Signal Processing Chips and Applications University of Minnesota System. Implementation of a Finite Impulse Response Filter with Rulph Chassaing the TMS320C25. Floating-Point TMS320C30-Based Development Roger Williams University