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线性空间是数学中最基本的概念之一.线性空间理论不仅是高等代数的核心,而且广泛渗透到各自然 科学,工程技术,经济管理科学中,因而线性空间理论既是现代数学的支柱又是应用广泛的理论 线性空间又叫向量空间,在一定意义上说,线性空间是几何学特别是解析几何学的推广与升华.解析 几何学为抽象的线性空间提供了一个具体,生动,有血有肉的模型.而线性空间则是解析几何的灵魂
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行列式是多元一次方程组(线性方程组)求解中产生的.现在它不仅是解线性方程组的工具,也是线 性代数以及别的数学分支,物理学中常用工具,行列式的概念很简单关键是计算行列式的技巧及应用行 列式的灵活性.这是要特别注意的
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1.连加号(∑)在数学中,为了使数学式表示简单明确,通常要规定一些特殊符号.连加号就是其 中之一
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Depart ment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6. 001-Structure and Interpret at ion of Computer Programs Spring Semester, 2005 Issued: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 Solut ions due on online tutor: Friday, April 1, 2005 by 6: 00 PM
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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.001-Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Spring semester, 2005 Project 2-Prisoner's Dilemma
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Late homework will not be accepted. In case of illness or absence from MIT make arrangements to complete assignments with your recitation instructor Your TA will examine your project solutions and offer you feedback on them. It's your responsibility to provide clear
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Most people learn more effectively when they study in small groups and cooperate in various other ways on homework. This can be particularly true in programming assignments, where working with a partner often helps to avoid careless errors. We are very much in favor of this kind of cooperation, so long as all participants actively involve themselves
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Closed book- one sheet of notes hroug hout this quiz, we have set aside space in which you should write your answers. Please try to put all of answers in the designated spaces, as we will look only in this spaces when grading
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MASSACHVSETTS INSTITVTE OF TECHNOLOGY epartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Se lence 001--Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Spring Semester, 2005 Quiz I- Sample Solutions
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Evaluation and universal machines The Eval/Apply Cycle What is the role of evaluation in defining a language? Eval and Apply execute a cycle that unwinds our abstractions Reduces to simple applications of built in
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