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一、传播的特征 传播的英文: Communication 借助于语言、文字、形象来传达或交流观念和 知识 传播就是“信息交流” 公关中,传播指社会组织利用各种媒介和方 式,有目的、有计划地与公众进行双向信息 交流,达到沟通、理解的过程
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一、公众的概念与特征 二、认识公众的意义 三、组织公众的分类
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一、公共关系的界定 关于“公共关系”还是“公众关系”? “公共关系”是“舶来品”, Public Relations主体是“公”社会组织,与“Private”对应客体是“众”一社会大众,不是少数
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(1)营寄生生活或自由生活 (2)两侧对称,三胚层,具有完善的器官系统。 (3)排泄系统一般由焰细胞( flame cell)和排泄管 构成。 (5)神经系统包括一个脑。 (6)缺体腔,器官之间的空隙充满实质组织 (7)雌雄同体
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Topics Covered Bond Characteristics reading the financial pages Bond Prices and Yields Bond prices and interest rates YTM VS. current yield Rate of Return Interest Rate Risk The Yield Curve Nominal and Real Rates of Interest
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一、实验目的及任务 1、掌握测定流体流动阻力的一般实验方法,通过实验了解流体流动中能量损失的变化规律。 2、测定直管摩擦阻力系数及突然扩大局部阻力系数
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Topics Covered Stocks and the Stock Market Book Values. Liquidation Values and Market values Valuing Common Stocks Simplifying the Dividend Discount Model Growth Stocks and Income Stocks Irwvin McGraw-Hill
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Topics Covered FUture values Present values MONIEY MUltiple cash Flows PErpetuities and Annuities INflation Time Value SEffective Annual Interest rate Irwin McGraw-Hill
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Topics Covered The Market for Corporate Control Sensible Motives for mMergers Dubious Reasons for Mergers SEvaluating Mergers Merger Tactics SLeveraged Buy-Outs Mergers and the Economy IrwinMcGraw-Hill The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2001
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Topics Covered SHow Dividends are Paid SHow Do Companies Decide on Dividend Payments OWhy Dividend Policy Should Not Matter OWhy Dividends May Increase Firm Value OWhy Dividends May Reduce Firm Value Irwin/McGraw-Hill OThe McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2001
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