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 4.1 The basic concept of association rules  4.2 Low-dimensional binary association rules  4.3 Multi-level association rules  4.4 Multidimensional association rules  4.5 The Affinity analysis based on the association mining
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 2.1 Overview of data types  2.2 Review of Data pre-processing tools and platforms  2.3 Clean, storage and management of raw data  2.4 Collections of data analysis and data mining
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隐马尔科夫模型的定义 HMM模型的三个基本问题 EM算法 前向后向算法 鲍姆-韦尔奇算法 维比特算法
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1、量子力学基本回顾 2、复合体系描述 3、量子测量及相关问题 §1.1 态叠加原理 ➢ 波叠加 经典 合成的波中有各种成分 相干性 量子 相干性 新特点 §1.2 矩阵力学基础——力学量和算符 §1.3 量子测量及相关问题 1.3.1量子测量基础 1.3.2广义测量和POVM测量
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线性回归 ●最小二乘法 ●梯度下降 二分类任务 ●对数几率回归-Logistic Regression ●线性判别分析-Linear Discriminate Analysis 多分类任务 ●一对一 ●一对其余 ●多对多 类别不平衡问题
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• Why solid-state electrolyte (SSE)? • Requirements of SSE • History and Category of SSE • Examples of SSE in each type
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• Introduction of Tin • Chemistry of Tin • Molecular structure and Li insertion • Synthesis and modification methods • One literature example
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• Discovery • Chemistry of LiFePO4 • Molecular structure and Li diffusion • Advantages and disadvantages • Synthesis and modification methods • One literature example
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 Definition of battery  Working mechanism  History of batteries  Technology development  Important types of batteries  Characteristics, Comparisons
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Section 1 Introduction of energy on the earth Section II Fundamentals of Fuel Cell Chemical power sources Section III Fundamentals of Solar Cell Physical power sources
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