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Unit 11 Insurance Letter 1 1. We wish to refer you to our Order No. 123 for 1000 sets of TCL Colour Television, from which you will see that this order is placed on a CFR basis
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Unit 13 Agency Points for attention: General agent: general agent may be a firm or person who acts under some degree of instructions from his principals to sell (or to buy) goods on the best terms obtainable. He charges a \commission\ for his services under some kind of agreement or contract
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Unit 17 Electronic correspondence 电子信函 E-mail Fax Telex:电传
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Unit 3 Establishing Business Relations Points for Attention 建立业务关系的信,通常是发信的一方在通过一定的途径得到对方公司的名称和地址,并经过初步信用调查后,向对方发出的。信的内容一般包括以下几点:
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Unit 5 Quotations, Offers and Counter-offers Points for Attention: 发盘一般用通函,信件或者答复询价的方法 来进行。在答复询价时,可寄送报价单。完 整的发盘应包括下列几点: 1.对询价表示感谢 2.表明价格,折扣及付款条件的细节 3.详细说明价格包含的内容(如运费,保费等
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Unit 7 Order and their fulfilment Points for attention 订单是为了要求供应具体数量的货物而提出的一种要求。它是对报盘或询盘后发出报价而促成的结果。订单可以用信印制好的订单、传真或 emial来发送卖方则用印制好的确认书来回复
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Unit 9 packing Letter 1 1. ready--made:现成的 2. indemnification:赔偿 3. seaworthy:适合海上运输的 4.tacit:心照不宣的 5.on account of:因为 6candid:直率的
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第一节概念 一、定义 以货币为手段的国际间债权债务的清算( 或为清算国际间债权债务所产生的货币 收付行为) 二、范围 贸易结算+非贸易结算+金融交易结算
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《市场营销学》课程教学资源:第十章 拳行天下——现代企业的产品策略
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选择和管理营销渠道 1、营销渠道是什么(What is the nature of marketing Channels)? 2、公司在设计、管理、评价和修正其渠道时将面临什么 (What decisions do companies face in designing, managing, evaluating, and modifying their channels)? 3、渠道的动态发展趋势是什么(What trends are taking place in channel dynamics)? 4、如何管理渠道的冲突(How can channel conflict be managed)?
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