dscnibed in these materials are potentially hazardous and require a high level ofsafcty training special facilitics and equ by approp lividuak You bear the sole responsibility, liability, and risk for the in plementation of such safety procedures and measures. MIT shall have no responsibility, liability, or risk for the content or implementation of amy of the matcrial presented. Legal Notices
Chemists use spectroscopy (Ir, UV-Vis, NMR) to determine molecular structure. spectroscopy: technique that measures the amount of radiation a substance absorbs at various wavelengths(based on the quantization of molecular energy levels Molecules exist in quantized energy states (rotational, vibrational, and electronic quantum states) Molecules absorb discrete amounts of energy(ae)and are excited to higher
described in these matorials arc potentinlly hazandous and require a high levd ofsafety training spccial facilitics and equip mant, and supervision by approp iate individuals. You bea the sole responsibility, lisbility, and risk for the implamnentation of such safcty procedures and mcasures. MIT shall have no respongibility, liability, or risk for the content or implementationc any of the material presanted. Legal Notices