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Section 1 The types of soil water and measuring soil moisture a
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l Chapter 1-Key terms Collection, summarization, analysis, and reporting of numerical findings Statistics-Two Usages A. The study of statistics B. Statistics as reported sample measures
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Section 1 Soil colloidal surface nature Surface types of the soil colloid (一) Siloxane surface (二) Hydrous oxide surface (三)Organic matter surface
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Section 1 Soil air 一、 Composition of soil air Compare soil air with atmosphere( Volume % Atmosphere
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Section 1 The chemical and mineral constitutes of soil parent minerals The chemical constitutes of soil parent minerals
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第一节状态参量与平衡态(State variable and Equilibrium state) 一、物质的微观结构 原子分子学说。所有“物质”都由“分子、原子”组成,它们的 线性尺度~0.1nm 分子是组成物质的保持物质化学性质的最小单元,如:2O,CO2,N2 原子是组成单质和化合物的基本单元,它由原子核和电子组成
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Define定义 Vertigo is defined as a hallucination幻觉of movement. This may be a sensation of turning, spinning, falling rocking, etc Dizziness, although commonly used by the patient as a term to describe the above sensations refers to less severe and
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一、木材密度的概念( concept)和种类(kind) (一)木材密度的概念( the concept of wood density)木材密度(木材容积重或容重):单位体积的木材质量
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组成 一、睾丸 二、生殖管道 三、附属腺 四、外生殖器
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一、泌尿系统包括: 二、肾 三、输尿管 四、膀胱 五、尿道
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