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一、名次解释(每题3分,共计21分) 1、假性分歧 2、实际需求目标 3、询盘 4、澄清式发问 5、合同风险 6、“T”型知识结构 7、谈判风格
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一、名次解释(每题3分,共计21分) 1、商务谈判 2、一揽子交易 3、全能型专家 4、谈判信息 5、诱导式发问 6、素质 7、互惠式谈判
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1.解: sin l W W=W+ W w W 1-m 其折射光又从玻璃与空气的另一界面射入空气
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1. Offer and quotation: (1)A quotation is often taken by many Chinese business person to stand for a unit price with delivery conditions. e.g. USD324/PC CIF New York; An offer is considered to include more conditions such as shipment, payment, insurance and packing. (2)From the legal point of view a quotation is not an
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Unit 7 Payment and Settlement of accounts 1. Terms of payment (1) Remittance T/T(Telegraphic Transfer) M/T(Mail Transfer D/D Demand Draft)
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(1)鉴于乙方与甲方订立本合同,安装甲方的空气调 节设备,双方协议如下: Whereas party b and party a have entered into this Contract to install Party As air-conditioning equipment, the he Parties hereto do hereby agree as follows (2)鉴于该银行同意向该公司提供短期信贷作为资金 周转之用,双方达成协议如下: Whereas the Bank has agreed to extend as Short Term Credit loan for the purpose of providing general working capital to the company, the Parties thereto do hereby agree as follows
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简介 1法律全球化及其理论基础 一自由主义法律价值作为法律全球化的理论基础 2世界秩序与世界法
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无电阻器与之串接的独立电压源称无伴独立电压,无电阻 器与之并接的独立电流源称无伴独立电流源。 1、无伴独立电压源的转移 在网络中,位于任一对节点j间的一个无伴独立电压源, 既可转移到与节点相连的所有支路中与各电阻串接,也可 转移到与节点k相连的所有支路中与各电阻串接,原j-k间 的无伴独立电压源支路短接
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2.1网络通信协议 2.1.1通信协议( communication protocols) 网络传送是个很复杂的过程,为了实现计算机之间可靠地交换数据,许多工作要协调(如发送信号 的数据格式,通信协调与出错处理,信号编码与电平参数,传输速度匹配等)
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按其传输性能,双绞线通常又分为 1类线,用于≤5Mbps传输 用于语音/低速传输,不适宜 类线,用于≤5Mbps传输
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