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一、 教学目的(掌握、熟悉、了解的具体内容等) 教学目的 - Objective (一)熟悉骨质疏松症的概念、分型及发病机制。 (二)掌握骨质疏松症的诊断、防治及药物治疗。 (三)了解骨质疏松症的流行病学与病因学
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How to Teach Internal Medicine 2005.2-7: Lecture (Bilingual teaching) 2005.9-2006.1 Bedside teaching: rotation for 6 weeks, including Respiratory system, Cardiovascular system, Gastrointestinal system, Kidney and urinary system, Endocrinology, Hematology, etc
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Hepatic Cirrhosis Professor Wang Ji-yao Department of Internal Medicine Division of Gastroenterology, Zhongshan hospital , Fu Dan university
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一、教学目的(掌握、熟悉、了解的具体内容) 掌握心肌炎、心肌病的基本概念。 掌握病毒性心肌炎、扩张性心肌病、肥厚性心肌病、限制性心肌病的定义、临床表现、临床 诊断、治疗原则。 熟悉病毒性心肌炎、心肌病的发病机制、病理生理。 了解其他少见的心肌疾病
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一、各种原因引起的肠道炎症性疾病(广义) 二、 通常 所说的 炎症性肠病是溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis UC)和克罗恩病(Crohn’s diaease CD)
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一、教学目的和要求 1. 掌握急、慢性再生障碍性贫血的临床表现、血液和骨髓检查特点。诊断依据和鉴别诊断。国外分类与国内分类关系。 2. 熟悉发病原因,治疗方法。 3. 了解发病情况,发病机理、病理改变及预后
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Definition Absent iron-store hemoglobin synthesis↓ A microcytic and hypochromic anemia The most common nutritional anemia
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Definition:A group of neoplastic diseases of lymphoid tissues Classification: Hodgkin′s Disease, HD (Hodgkin′s Lymphoma) Non Hodgkin ′s Lymphoma,NHL) General considerations
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【 Clinical features】 RE negtive low back pain and stiffness other joints enthesitis familial aggregation
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Occupational Medicine today Toxicology Diagnosis Treatment antidotes
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