理化因素所致疾病 (Diseases caused by physical and chemical factors) 上海医学院內科学系
理化因素所致疾病 上海医学院内科学系 (Diseases caused by physical and chemical factors)
概述( introduction) Factors cause diseases chemicals physical biological psychological chemicals; occupational. non-occupational physical: occupational, non-occupational
概述(introduction): Factors cause diseases: chemicals physical biological psychological chemicals:occupational, non-occupational. physical:occupational, non-occupational
Occupational Medicine today: Toxicology Diagnosis Treatment antidotes
Occupational Medicine today: ⚫ Toxicology ⚫ Diagnosis ⚫ Treatment ⚫ antidotes
Physical factors Laser VDT(Video display terminal) Electromagnetic field
Physical factors: ⚫ Laser ⚫ VDT (video display terminal) ⚫ Electromagnetic field
诊断原则 Diagnosis: 1.明确病因( (causation) 环境和/或生物体液中存在可测的物化因素 (analysis of toxicants) 2.出现特定靶器官损害表现( clinical manifestation) 3.呈剂量一效应关系(dose- effective relationship) 流行病学调查( epidemiological study)
诊断原则 Diagnosis: 1.明确病因(causation): 环境和/或生物体液中存在可测的物化因素 (analysis of toxicants) 2 . 出 现 特 定 靶 器 官 损 害 表 现 ( clinical manifestation) 3 . 呈 剂 量 一 效 应 关 系 ( dose-effective relationship) 4.流行病学调查(epidemiological study)
治疗原则 (principal of treatment)E 1.脱离有害物理、化学因素的继续危害 (stop contact) 2.急、重危病人密切观察,维持生命体征 (rescue-airway, blood pressure, circulation 3.特效治疗的应用 (antidotes 4.对症处理 (other treatment
治疗原则 (principal of treatment): 1.脱离有害物理、化学因素的继续危害 (stop contact) 2.急、重危病人密切观察,维持生命体征 (rescue-airway, blood pressure, circulation) 3.特效治疗的应用 (antidotes) 4.对症处理(other treatment
中毒 (poisoning)
中 毒 (poisoning)
概述( definition) 化学物进入人体,在效应部位产生损害,引起 疾病——中毒。这种化学物称毒物。毒物在效应部位, 必须积累到一定量,才会发生中毒。 Toxicants dose-related hazards to the body
概述 (definition): 化学物进入人体,在效应部位产生损害,引起 疾病――中毒。这种化学物称毒物。毒物在效应部位, 必须积累到一定量,才会发生中毒。 Toxicants dose-related hazards to the body
毒物来源( chemicals)): industrial、 medicine、 pesticide, plants, animals 毒物作用部位( organ or tissue): cardiovascular、 respiratory, nerve, liver, kidney, blood 中毒原因( causation): occupational, daily life 起病方式( onset;: acute, subacute, chronic
毒物来源 (chemicals):industrial、medicine、 pesticide、plants、animals 毒物作用部位 (organ or tissue):cardiovascular、 respiratory, nerve, liver, kidney, blood 中毒原因 (causation): occupational, daily life 起病方式 (onset):acute, subacute, chronic
发病机制( mechanisms) 毒物的吸收( absorb)、代谢 ( metabolic和排泄( excretion) 入侵途径 approach): 呼吸道( respiratory trac; occupational) 消化道( digestive tract, daily life) 皮肤(skin) 乳汁( latex) ●●●●●●
发病机制 (mechanisms): 一 、 毒 物 的 吸 收 ( absorb)、 代 谢 (metabolic)和排泄(excretion) 入侵途径(approach): 呼吸道 (respiratory tract, occupational) 消化道(digestive tract, daily life) 皮肤 (skin) 乳汁 (latex) ……