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《比较政治经济学》文献资料:Macroeconomic Features of the French
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《比较政治经济学》文献资料:Political Cleavages and Changing Exposure to Trade
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《比较政治经济学》文献资料:Showing Ideas as Causes
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《比较政治经济学》文献资料:Constitutions and Commitment The Evolution of Institutional Governing Public
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《比较政治经济学》文献资料:Developmental States and Threat Perceptions in Northeast Asia
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《比较政治经济学》文献资料:Increasing Returns, Path Dependence, and the Study of Politics
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《比较政治经济学》文献资料:Invested interests:the politics of national economic policies in a world of global finance
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《比较政治经济学》文献资料:Globalization and American Power
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《比较政治经济学》文献资料:Coordination, Commitment, and enforcement
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