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语言与社会政治生活密切相关。 在语言使用中,把握正确的政 治方向有助于社会大 的稳定,民族的团 结;有助于国与国 之间友好关系的保 持与发展
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1. Characteristics of idioms (1)Semantic unity Each idiom is a semantic unity. The semantic unity can be reflected by the fact tha he meaning of an idiom is very often not the total sum of the meanings of the constituent words. The semantic unity can aslo be shown in the illogical relations between the literal meanings of the consitituent words and the meaning of the idiom
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Associative Meaning: In the United Nations, the non-English- speaking countries often refer to the Security council as“the highest organ”, but“the highest organoften has the sexual associations in the mind of the native speakers: man's genital organ. Some Vips sometimes call 'the Security Council“ this awesome organ',(含有 “不文之物”之意),or“August Body
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一、什么是词汇 词汇是语言的要素之一,指某种语言或方言中全部词和固定词组的总和
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方言词汇和方言词 方言词汇的差异和特点 方言词汇的调查 本字的考求
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方言词汇和方言词 方言词汇的差异和特点 方言词汇的调查 本字的考求
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第一节词汇概说 一、什么是词汇 词汇是语言的要素之一,指某种语言或方言中全部词和固定词组的总和。 1.词汇和词是两个不同的概念,词汇不是指单个的词 2.词汇成员不仅仅是词,还包括作用相当于词的固定 二、词汇的性质 1.词汇的音义关系既有任意性又有理据性。 2.词汇在发展变化中既有活跃性又有稳定性。 3.词汇对客观事物概念的反映既有普遍性,又有民族性
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基本框架 basic framework 办学效益 efficiency in school management 协调发展 coordinated and balanced program of development 教育投入 input in education
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按:考研词汇数千条,各个“似曾相识”又“形同陌路”,如何深刻记忆、灵活运用, 率领词汇的“千军万马”决胜考场、马到成功? 考研英语目前虽然不再单独地考查词汇试题,但是大家都知道词汇永远是英语考试必须 跨越的一道难关,考研词汇该如何学习,如何巩固?尤其是在考研英语复习的中后期,如何 将词汇真正学到手,用得好,更是每个考生都关心的问题
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