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电解分析和库仑分析所用化学电池是将电能转变为化学能的电解池。 其测量过程是在电解池的两个电极上,外加一定的直流电压,使电解池中 的电化学反应向着非自发的方向进行电解质溶液在两个电极上分别发生 氧化还原反应,此时电解池中有电流通过
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电化学分析:通过测量组成的电化学电池待测物溶液所产生的一些电特性 而进行的分析
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定义:伏安法和极谱法是一种特殊的电解方法。以小面积、易极化的电极作工作电极、以大面积、不易极化的电极为参比 电极组成电解池,电解被分析物质的稀溶液,由所测得的电流一电压特性曲线来进行定性和定量分析的方法。 当以滴汞作工作电极时的伏安法,称为极谱法,它是伏安法的特例
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Q: What Experiment is This? Excitation Name of experimenttype of excitation time
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General Approach to Electrochemical Experiments Identify assumptions Ditusion- ass tran sort +Identify suitable boundary conditions Solye linear diffusion equation (Fick's 2nd law -use Laplace transtorm
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Net flow of electrons from MNet flow of electrons from to solute solute to m .Ef more negative than Eredox more positive than Eredox more cathodic more anodic
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Junction potentials Whenever we change electrolyte or solvent there is a cost in that we create a double layer (electrode)which has a small but often measureable potential We call this potential a junction potential
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5 separate events must occur: -O must be successfully transported from bulk solution(mass transport) -O must adsorb transiently onto electrode surface (non-faradaic) CT must occur between electrode and (faradaic)
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