Introduction引言 18-1 The Relativity Postulate of Mechanics伽 利略相对性原理经典力学的时空观 18-2 The Postulates of Special Relativity The Lorentz Transformation狭义相对论的基本原理洛仑兹坐标变换式 18-3 Some Consequences of the Lorentz Transformation狭义相对论的时空观 18-4 The Lorentz Transformation of Velocities相对论速度变换式 18-5 The Relativistic Dynamic theory相对论 动力学基础
One of the most powerful tools for the analysis of electromagnetics problems is the integral solution to Maxwell’s equations formulated by Stratton and Chu [187, 188]. These authors used the vector Green’s theorem to solve for E˜ and H˜ in much the same way as is done in static fields with the scalar Green’s theorem. An alternative approach is to use the Lorentz reciprocity theorem of § 4.10.2, as done by Fradin [74]. The reciprocity
§9.1 磁感应强度 磁场中的高斯定理 一、基本磁现象 二、磁感应强度 三、磁场的高斯定理 §9.2毕奥-萨伐尔定律及其应用 (Biot-Savart Law and Its Application) §9.3 安培环路定理及其应用(Ampere's Circuital Theorem and Its Application) §9.5 洛仑兹力(Lorentz Force) §9.6 安培力(Ampere Force)