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9.1最优控制的概念 设系统的状态方程为 &=f(x,, t) (9.1) 性能指标的数学表达式一般可以表示为 J=[x(t ), ][x(),u(t), ]dr (9.2) 所谓最优控制,就是要确定在[to,t]中的最优控制u,将系统(9.1)的状 态从x(to)转移到x(ty),或者x(ty)的一个集合并使性能指标(9.2)最优
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微分方程:d(f(ty)y(to)=y 数值解:yn≈y(tn),n=0, 步长: n n+1'n 自动确定 rtth 积分方程:y(t+h)=y(t)+f(s,y(s))ds rt+h 特殊情况:y(t+h)=y(t)+f(s)ds
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Mr. President, Mrs. Clinton, members of Congress, Ambassador Holbrooke, Excellencies, f riends: Fif ty-four years ago to the day, a young Jewish boy f rom a small town in the Carpathian Mountains woke up, not far f rom Goethe's beloved Weimar, in a place of eternal infamy called Buchenwald. He was finally f ree, but there was no joy in his heart. He thought there never would be again. Liberated a day earlier by American
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win the market. In our competitive socl strengthened the control of advertisements ty, consumers usually have and made them more attractive several brands Therefore, manufacturers are confronted how to make their
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16.1 Introduction 16.2 The retrovirus life cycle involves transposition-like events 16.3 Retroviral genes codes for polyproteins 16.4 Viral DNA is generated by reverse transcription 16.5 Viral DNA integrates into the chromosome 16.6 Retroviruses may transduce cellular sequences 16.7 Yeast Ty elements resemble retroviruses 16.8 Many transposable elements reside in D. melanogaster 16.9 Retroposons fall into two classes 16.10 The Alu family has many widely dispersed members
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社会学专业必修课程。本课程需预修社会研究方法等前期课程作为基础 基本内容:社会统计学作为社会学专业必修课程侧重于社会研究的统计应用,并为学习 SPSS软件打好基础。本课程主要包括三个方面:叙述统计,内容为集中趋势测量、离散趋 势测量的单变量分析,两个变量分布及λ、Ty、 Gamma、r、E2等相关测量法;推论统计, 内容为抽样与统计推论,参数估计以及ⅹ2检定、F检定、T检定等假设检定;
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Cartesian Configuration . C Ty A. Lasky Configuration. Articulated Configurati Configuration. Gantry Configuratio 101.2 Dynamics and Control Independent Joint Control of the Robot. Dynamic Models iversity of California, Dav omputed Torque Methods. Adaptive Control. Resolved R Lal tummala Motion Control. Compliant Motion. Flexible Manipulators Justification. Implementation Strategies. Applications in Nicholas G. Drey
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差分方程简介 以t表示时间,规定t只取非负整数。t=0表示第一周期初, t=1表示第二周期初等。记y为变量y在时刻t时的取值,则 称43为y的一阶差分,称为的二阶差分。类似地,可以定义y的m阶差分。 由ty1及y的差分给出的方程称为y1差分方程,其中含的最 高阶差分的阶数称为该差分方程的阶。差分方程也可以写成不显含差分的形式
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