类型:电子图书 大小:1.82MB 下载/浏览:4/1267 评论:1 评分:5 积分:10
Accent is a combination of three main components: intonation (speech music), liaisons (word connections), and pronunciation (the spoken sounds of vowels, consonants, and combinations). As you go along, you'll notice that you're being asked to look at accent in a different way. You'll also realize that the grammar you studied before and this accent you're studying now are completely different.
类型:电子图书 大小:749.75KB 下载/浏览:2/1331 评论:0 评分:0 积分:10
It covers more grammar topics than the online version.You can view it on your desktop as an easy reference guide. It is easy to print out pages from this version using any standard printer. You can access regular updates to the Online English Grammar now that you have purchased this copy. All that is required is that you supply your username and password to begin the download. You will receive regular emails when new updates are available. The update subscription is valid for one year from the date you purchased the item from us。
类型:教学课件 大小:1.96MB 下载/浏览:3/2695 评论:2 评分:6.5 积分:10
浙江大学经济学院《高级微观经济学》ppt教学课件(英文版),叶建亮主讲。内容详细,结构清晰: lecture 1,production theory I lecture 2,production theory II LECTURE 3:production theory III lecture 4,consumption theory I lecture 5,consumption theory II lecture 6:consumption theory III lecture 7:consumption theory IV Lecture 8:choice under uncertainty Lecture 9,time and assets market Lecture10:Competitive Market Lecture 12,Exchange Lecture 13,market as a process Lecture 15,public goods and externality
类型:动画素材 大小:15.81MB 下载/浏览:1/596 评论:1 评分:8 积分:10
类型:教学课件 大小:2.35MB 下载/浏览:0/211 评论:0 评分:0 积分:10
类型:教学课件 大小:1.92MB 下载/浏览:2/1911 评论:2 评分:9 积分:10
嘉应学院财经系《中级财务会计》ppt、word完整课件,汪信尊主讲。包括电子教案和教学课件,主要内容包括货币资金、对外投资、无形资产和其他资产、长期负债、财务会计报告等: 第一章 总论 第二章 货币资金 第三章 应收及预付款项 第四章 存货 第五章 对外投资 第六章 固定资产 第七章 无形资产和其他资产 第八章 流动负债 第九章 长期负债 第十章 所有者权益 第十一章 收入、费用和利润 第十二章 财务会计报告
类型:电子教案 大小:1.04MB 下载/浏览:12/2848 评论:6 评分:6.2 积分:10
类型:参考资料 大小:265.67KB 下载/浏览:26/3373 评论:7 评分:6.6 积分:10
类型:教学课件 大小:36.9MB 下载/浏览:4/1648 评论:3 评分:7 积分:10
类型:教学课件 大小:32.39MB 下载/浏览:97/9243 评论:36 评分:7.4 积分:10
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