类型:电子图书 大小:2.52MB 下载/浏览:20/1545 评论:3 评分:7.3 积分:10
这是今年新出现的一本量子力学电子书,适合于初学者。 Part 1 OPENING REMARKS Greetings Opening Lecture Marc Henneaux Part 2 CONTRIBUTED PAPERS On the Symmetries of Classical String Theory Constantin P. Bachas Eddington–Born–Infeld Action and the Dark Side of General Relativity M´aximo Ba˜nados Light-Cone Field Theory, Maximal Supersymmetric Theories and E7(7) in Light-Cone Superspace Lars Brink Strongly Hyperbolic Extensions of the ADM Hamiltonian J. David Brown Black Hole Entropy and the Problem of Universality S. Carlip Sources for Chern–Simons Theories Jos´e D. Edelstein and Jorge Zanelli The Emergence of Fermions and the E11 Content Franc¸ois Englert and Laurent Houart v vi Contents Why Does the Universe Inflate? S.W. Hawking Kac–Moody Algebras and the Structure of Cosmological Singularities: A New Light on the Belinskii–Khalatnikov–Lifshitz Analysis Marc Henneaux Black Holes with a Conformally Coupled Scalar Field Cristi´an Mart´ınez Quantum Mechanics on Some Supermanifolds Luca Mezincescu John Wheeler’s Quest for Beauty and Simplicity Charles W. Misner Magnetic Monopoles in Electromagnetism and Gravity Rub´en Portugue´s The Census Taker’s Hat Leonard Susskind Static Wormholes in Vacuum and Gravity in Diverse Dimensions Part 3 CLOSING Claudio Bunster: A Personal Recollection Profile of Claudio Bunster
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