Recent Progress on Gamma-Ray Bursts and GrB Cosmology Zigao dai Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University Sino-French workshop, Beijing, 08/30/2006
Recent Progress on Gamma-Ray Bursts and GRB Cosmology Zigao Dai Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University Sino-French workshop, Beijing, 08/30/2006
30000 20000 10000 Ime in seconds
Gamma-Ray bursts T 600FTTTVTTTTTTTTTT 3B910507 3B90523 910717-16386 0a7911 1000 00 0005 5001000 n03 002}910430461721 0591050325454 40 rTu 十 0.003 5000000000 02904n 2000 910601-69736 0.007 20003Bg1o 0.005 0sE91081469275 0.1 002E⊥⊥⊥ 20 020050010020000001000 Time since GRB-Trigger (s) 张盘/ke Temporal features: diverse and ectral features: broken power laws spiky light curves. ith e of a few tens to hundreds of ke v
Spectral features: broken power laws with Ep of a few tens to hundreds of keV Temporal features: diverse and spiky light curves. Gamma-Ray Bursts
Bimodal distribution in durations 100 ◇ BATSE ■SAX 8:8- ◇ 9888 ◇ sW 8 80608 ◇◇◇ ◇8:∞3 8◇ ◇ ◇◇■ shor long 2 S 001 01 90%Width 10 100 1000
Bimodal distribution in durations shor t long 2 s
Outline . Pre-Swift progress lI. Recent progress and implications IlL. GRB cosmology
Outline I. Pre-Swift progress II. Recent progress and implications III. GRB cosmology
Most important discoveries in the pre-Swift era >1967: Klebesadelet al 's discovery >1992: spatial distribution(batse gth > 1997: observations on multiwavelengt the redshift of GRB970508(BeppoSANof afterglows of grb970228 and detection >1998 association of grb980425with SN1998bw(BeppoSAX) >2003 association of grbo30329 with SN2003dh(HETE-2)
Most important discoveries in the pre-Swift era ➢ 1967: Klebesadel et al.’s discovery ➢ 1992: spatial distribution (BATSE) ➢ 1997: observations on multiwavelength afterglows of GRB970228 and detection of the redshift of GRB970508 (BeppoSAX) ➢ 1998: association of GRB980425 with SN1998bw(BeppoSAX) ➢ 2003: association of GRB030329 with SN2003dh(HETE-2)
Some important discoveries in the pre-Swiftera >1993: sub-classes Kouveliotouet al) >1994: Mev-Gev emission from GRB 940217 Hurley et al); 200 Mevemission from GRB 941017(Gonzalezet al 2003) >1997: detection of the iron lines in the X-ray afterglow of GRB 970508 Piro et al .) >1999: optical flash and broken ligh curve of the R-band afterglow of GRb 990123 (Akerlofet al Fruchter et al Kulkarniet al > 2002: X-ray flashes(Heiseet al Kippen et al.) >2005: X-ray flares of GrBs (Piro et al.)
Some important discoveries in the pre-Swift era ➢ 1993: sub-classes (Kouveliotou et al.) ➢ 1994: MeV-GeV emission from GRB 940217 (Hurley et al.); 200 MeV emission from GRB 941017 (Gonzalez et al. 2003) ➢ 1997: detection of the iron lines in the X-ray afterglow of GRB 970508 (Piro et al.) ➢ 1999: optical flash and broken ligh curve of the R-band afterglow of GRB 990123 (Akerlof et al.; Fruchter et al.; Kulkarni et al.) ➢ 2002: X-ray flashes (Heise et al.; Kippen et al.) ➢ 2005: X-ray flares of GRBs (Piro et al.)
Theoretical progress in the pre-Swift era >1975: Usov Chibison proposed grbs at cosmological distances; Ruderman discussed an optical depth>>1 problem >1986 Paczynski& Goodman proposed the fireball model of cosmological grbs > 1989: Eichler et al. proposed the NS-nS merger model 1990: Shemi Piran proposed the relativistic fireball model to solve the optical depth problem 1992: Rees Meszaros proposed the external shock model of grbs; Usov and duncan thompson proposed the magnetar model >1993: Woosley proposed the collapsar model 1994: Paczynski Xu and rees meszaros proposed the internal shock model of GRBs; Katz predicted afterglows from GRBs >1995: Sari piran analyzed the dynamics of forward-reverse shocks Waxmanfo vietri discussed high-E cosmic rays from GRBs > 1997: Waxman Bahcall discussed high-E neutrinos from GRBs
Theoretical progress in the pre-Swift era ➢ 1975: Usov & Chibison proposed GRBs at cosmological distances; Ruderman discussed an optical depth >> 1 problem ➢ 1986: Paczynski & Goodman proposed the fireball model of cosmological GRBs ➢ 1989: Eichler et al. proposed the NS-NS merger model ➢ 1990: Shemi & Piran proposed the relativistic fireball model to solve the optical depth problem ➢ 1992: Rees & Meszaros proposed the external shock model of GRBs; Usov and Duncan & Thompson proposed the magnetar model ➢ 1993: Woosley proposed the collapsar model ➢ 1994: Paczynski & Xu and Rees & Meszaros proposed the internal shock model of GRBs; Katz predicted afterglows from GRBs ➢ 1995: Sari & Piran analyzed the dynamics of forward-reverse shocks; Waxman和Vietri discussed high-E cosmic rays from GRBs ➢ 1997: Waxman & Bahcall discussed high-E neutrinos from GRBs
>1997: Meszaros Rees predicted light curves of afterglows >1998: Sari, Piran narayan established standard afterglow model; Vietri& Stella proposed the supranova model; Paczynski proposed the hypernova model; Dai& lu and rees meszaros proposed energy injection modelss Dai& Lu and meszaroset al proposed the wind model; Wei Lu discussed the IC scattering in afterglows >1999: Rhoads and sariet al proposed the jet model Sari& Piran explained the optical flash from GRB 990123 Dai&Lupr。 posed dense environments—GMC; Huanget al. established the genericdynamic model; MacFadyenet al numerically simulated the collapsar model Derishevet al proposed the neutron effect in afterglows >2000: some correlations were found, e. g, Fenimoreet al and norris et al., Kumar& Panaitescu proposed the curvature effect in afterglows
➢ 1997: Meszaros & Rees predicted light curves of afterglows ➢ 1998: Sari,Piran & Narayan established standard afterglow model; Vietri & Stella proposed the supranova model; Paczynski proposed the hypernova model; Dai & Lu and Rees & Meszaros proposed energy injection models; Dai & Lu and Meszaros et al. proposed the wind model; Wei & Lu discussed the IC scattering in afterglows; ➢ 1999: Rhoads and Sari et al. proposed the jet model; Sari & Piran explained the optical flash from GRB 990123; Dai & Lu proposed dense environments —— GMC; Huang et al. established the generic dynamic model; MacFadyen et al. numerically simulated the collapsar model; Derishev et al. proposed the neutron effect in afterglows ➢ 2000: some correlations were found, e.g., Fenimore et al. and Norris et al. ;Kumar & Panaitescu proposed the curvature effect in afterglows
>2001: fraile al. found a cluster of the jet-collimated energies; Panaitescu Kumar fitted the afterglow data andobtained the model parameters >2002 the Amati correlation was found Zhang meszaros analyzed spectral break models of GRBS: Rossiet al and zhang meszaros discussed the structured jet models; Fan et al. found the magnetized reverse shock in GrB 990123 >2003: Schaefer discussed the cosmological use of GrBs; >2004 the Ghirlanda correlation was found Daiet al. used this relation to constrain the cosmological parameters
➢ 2001: Frail et al. found a cluster of the jet-collimated energies; Panaitescu & Kumar fitted the afterglow data and obtained the model parameters ➢ 2002: the Amati correlation was found; Zhang & Meszaros analyzed spectral break models of GRBs; Rossi et al. and Zhang & Meszaros discussed the structured jet models; Fan et al. found the magnetized reverse shock in GRB 990123 ➢ 2003: Schaefer discussed the cosmological use of GRBs; ➢ 2004: the Ghirlanda correlation was found; Dai et al. used this relation to constrain the cosmological parameters