家庭猴四 Unit 4 When is the art show? Part A Let's spell
Unit 4 When is the art show? Part A Let’s spell
基础梳理 导 能力提升 航 智慧石展
导航 基础梳理 能力提升 智慧拓展
基础梳理 一、根据图片补全单词。 1. 3 2. 3. 5. 13 t hree mo th er t hat this t hirteen 导航页
导航页 基础梳理 一、根据图片补全单词。 t h t h t h t h t h
能力提升 二、判断每组中画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写T”,不 同的写“F”。 F )1.that third F )2.brother fifth T )3.there this T )4.thin maths F )5.three father T )6.fourth fifth 导航页
导航页 能力提升 二、判断每组中画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不 同的写“F”。 ( )1.that third ( )2.brother fifth ( )3.there this ( )4.thin maths ( )5.three father ( )6.fourth fifth F F T T F T
智慧拓展 三、读一读,按要求做题。 My birthday is three more days. Three more days,three more days. I will be thirteen. My brother has a birthday,too. A birthday,too,a birthday,too. He has a birthday in this month. What about you? 导航页
导航页 智慧拓展 三、读一读,按要求做题。 My birthday is three more days. Three more days, three more days. I will be thirteen. My brother has a birthday, too. A birthday, too, a birthday, too. He has a birthday in this month. What about you?
智慧拓展 1.请写出歌谣中含有音素//或/0/的单词。 /6/brother this /0/birthday three thirteen month 2.你还能写出其他单词吗? /6/mother father t that t these those /0/mouth thin maths i fifth third 导航页
导航页 智慧拓展 1.请写出歌谣中含有音素/ð/或/θ/的单词。 /ð/ /θ/ 2.你还能写出其他单词吗? /ð/ /θ/ brother this birthday three thirteen month mother father that these those mouth thin maths fifth third
路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索
路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索