Translation Writing A PART 4 Translation Writing R Translation Writing S
Translation PART 4 Translation & Writing Writing
Translation Writing 汽 Knowing About Translation
Knowing About Translation
Translation Writing 英译汉省略译法(2) 省略介词和连词 A.省略介词 英语较为频繁地使用介词,而汉语使用介词频 率较低,因此英语中许多介词或转译成汉语动 词,或省略不译。一般说来,表示时间和地点 的介词,译成汉语如出现在句首,大都可以省 略,出现在句子的其他位置时大都不省略,例 如: o2o1an回
省略介词和连词 英译汉省略译法(2) A. 省略介词 英语较为频繁地使用介词,而汉语使用介词频 率较低,因此英语中许多介词或转译成汉语动 词,或省略不译。一般说来,表示时间和地点 的介词,译成汉语如出现在句首,大都可以省 略,出现在句子的其他位置时大都不省略,例 如:
Translation Writing 英译汉省略译法(2) 省略介词和连词 EXAMPLE R My family came to America in 1985. 1985年我们全家来到美国 。 (省略表示时间的介词in) 或译:我们全家王1985年来到美国 2过面正用
英译汉省略译法(2) EXAMPLE 省略介词和连词 1985年我们全家来到美国。 (省略表示时间的介词in) 或译:我们全家于1985年来到美国。 My family came to America in 1985
Translation Writing Translation Practice 1 Translate the following sentences into English. 1)Smoking is not allowed in the storehouse. 仓库重地,不准吸烟。(省略表示地点的介词n) R 2)But a passenger at the back of the bus saw him. 但坐在巴士后面的一位女乘客发现了他。 3)His problem began at the airport in Los Angeles. 他的问题始王洛杉矶机场。 抗2过百用
Translate the following sentences into English. Translation Practice 1 1) Smoking is not allowed in the storehouse. 2) But a passenger at the back of the bus saw him. 3) His problem began at the airport in Los Angeles. 仓库重地,不准吸烟。(省略表示地点的介词in) 但坐在巴士后面的一位女乘客发现了他。 他的问题始于洛杉矶机场
Translation Writing 英译汉省略译法(2) 省略介词和连词 B.省略连词 由于英语重形合,注重词与词、句与句的关 系,并列句、复合句都得靠连接词来表示句 子之间的逻辑关系,所以连词使用较多;而 汉语重意合,彼此逻辑关系不是通过连词表 示,而是通过暗含的逻辑关系来表达,所以 连词使用较少,在英译汉中需要把某些英语连 词加以省略,例如: mo25口n同国
省略介词和连词 英译汉省略译法(2) B.省略连词 由于英语重形合,注重词与词、句与句的关 系, 并列句、复合句都得靠连接词来表示句 子之间的逻辑关系,所以连词使用较多;而 汉语重意合,彼此逻辑关系不是通过连词表 示,而是通过暗含的逻辑关系来表达,所以 连词使用较少,在英译汉中需要把某些英语连 词加以省略,例如:
Translation Writing 英译汉省略译法(2) 省略介词和连词 EXAMPLE 1)When I said nothing was wrong,my mother answered,"You are my daughter.When something is bothering you,I feel it too." 我跟她说一切正常,母亲回答说:“你是我女儿, 你有烦心事,我也能感觉到。”(省略从属连词 when) 2过面正用
EXAMPLE 省略介词和连词 英译汉省略译法(2) 1) When I said nothing was wrong, my mother answered, “You are my daughter. When something is bothering you, I feel it too.” 我跟她说一切正常,母亲回答说:“你是我女儿, 你有烦心事,我也能感觉到。”(省略从属连词 when)
Translation Writing EXAMPLE 2)In Baltimore,Maryland,he got on a bus and headed straight for the restroom.He thought that if he hid in the restroom,he could ride to New York without paying. 在马里兰州的巴尔的摩,他跳上一辆巴士,直奔厕 所而去。他以为躲进厕所就能免费乘车去纽约了。 (省略从属连词i) 过面店
在马里兰州的巴尔的摩,他跳上一辆巴士,直奔厕 所而去。他以为躲进厕所就能免费乘车去纽约了。 (省略从属连词if) 2) In Baltimore, Maryland, he got on a bus and headed straight for the restroom. He thought that if he hid in the restroom, he could ride to New York without paying. EXAMPLE
Translation Writing Translation Practice 2 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1)Because they misunderstand the intended meaning,they commonly react in an unsupportive manner. 他们误解了女人想要表达的意思,便常常以不赞同 的态度来回应她们。(省略从属连词because) 2)The driver immediately pulled over to the side of the highway and radioed the police. 司机急忙把车子开到高速公路边停下来,用无线 电报了警。。(省略并列连词and) 2过酒正
Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Translation Practice 2 1) Because they misunderstand the intended meaning, they commonly react in an unsupportive manner. 2) The driver immediately pulled over to the side of the highway and radioed the police. 他们误解了女人想要表达的意思,便常常以不赞同 的态度来回应她们。(省略从属连词because) 司机急忙把车子开到高速公路边停下来,用无线 电报了警。(省略并列连词and)
Translation Writing Writing :Write a composition on the topic "How to Avoid Misunderstandings".Your composition should have no less than 120 words. 过o
Writing Directions: ❖Write a composition on the topic “How to Avoid Misunderstandings”. Your composition should have no less than 120 words