Medical Genetics Gene Mapping Cloning
Gene Mapping & Cloning Medical Genetics
Gene Mapping Determination of the relative positions of genes on a DNA molecule(chromosome) and of the distance,in linkage units or physical units,between them. 1911,red-green color blindness localized to chromosome X *1968,Duffy Blood Group localized to chromosome 1
Determination of the relative positions of genes on a DNA molecule (chromosome) and of the distance, in linkage units or physical units, between them. Gene Mapping ❖ 1911,red-green color blindness localized to chromosome X ❖ 1968, Duffy Blood Group localized to chromosome 1
Linkage Analysis A mathematical procedure that analyzes meiotic recombination frequencies between pairs of genes to determine whether two loci are linked and,if so, how closely. 舒
Linkage Analysis A mathematical procedure that analyzes meiotic recombination frequencies between pairs of genes to determine whether two loci are linked and, if so, how closely
Linkage Analysis A mathematical procedure that analyzes meiotic recombination frequencies between pairs of genes to determine whether two loci are linked and,if so, how closely
Linkage Analysis A mathematical procedure that analyzes meiotic recombination frequencies between pairs of genes to determine whether two loci are linked and, if so, how closely
Linkage Analysis A mathematical procedure that analyzes meiotic recombination frequencies between pairs of genes to determine whether two loci are linked and,if so, how closely
Linkage Analysis A mathematical procedure that analyzes meiotic recombination frequencies between pairs of genes to determine whether two loci are linked and, if so, how closely
Linkage Analysis A mathematical procedure that analyzes meiotic recombination frequencies between pairs of genes to determine whether two loci are linked and,if so, how closely. Recombination fraction Centimorgan,cM
Linkage Analysis A mathematical procedure that analyzes meiotic recombination frequencies between pairs of genes to determine whether two loci are linked and, if so, how closely. ❖ Recombination fraction ❖ Centimorgan, cM
Genetic Marker A genetic marker is a tag which allows to identify a place in a genome (locus),is a 'tag' near or within a gene of interest.Genetic markers are usually highly polymorphic
Genetic Marker A genetic marker is a tag which allows to identify a place in a genome (locus), is a ‘tag’ near or within a gene of interest. Genetic markers are usually highly polymorphic
Genetic Marker Blood group;Serum protein;HLA *DNA RFLP DNA STR DNA VNTR Single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP
Genetic Marker ❖ Blood group; Serum protein; HLA ❖ DNA RFLP ❖ DNA STR & DNA VNTR ❖ Single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP
Linkage Analysis Neurofibroma,NF RFLP EcoR I EcoR I EcoR I 3.0kb —1.7kb Probe
Linkage Analysis EcoRⅠ EcoRⅠ EcoRⅠ 3.0 kb 1.7 kb Probe Neurofibroma, NF1 RFLP Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Linkage Analysis Neurofibroma,NF RFLP 5 6 8 3.0kb -1.7kb 4.7kb
Linkage Analysis Neurofibroma, NF1 RFLP Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3.0 kb 1.7 kb 4.7 kb