Whole 123456 3654 To63127158 Year 6
Numbers p to Seven digits Name and Write 2(1(4(8(5(6(7)
2 1 4 8 5 6 7 2
Onelmillion three hundred twenty four thousand eight hundred and SiXty seven
Numbers up to beven digits Determine the place value 2(1(4(8(5(6(7)
2 1 4 8 5 6 7 4
Please count it
Please count it 128 blocks
128 blocks 6
Please count it 幽幽幽幽都幽 都幽幽 過過過過過過過 翻翻翻郾翻郾 228 blocks
1 2 8 blocks 7
Please count it 1@8 blocks
1 2 8 blocks 8
Please count it 船翻翻翻翻 42 8 blocks
1 2 8 blocks 9
Place value Let' s learn aboutⅰt 1028 hundreds
1 2 8 Let’s learn about it. 10