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《高级英语》教学大纲 课程基木信息 课得编号: ENG33602T (已有编号课 所属 知 学分 类别 (尚未编号课 学科 领域 程) 总学时: 64 理论教学学时 实践教学学时(含上机) 课程中文名称: 高级英语 课程英文名称:Advanced English 公共基础洗餐 适用专业: 全校(除英语、国贸、法学、行管专业)各专业学生 开课学期: 第四学期 预修课程(编 号), 并修课程(编 号 《高级英语》属于大学英语教学中四级后阶段的课程。它是学生在达到《大学英 语课程教学要求》所规定的一般要求之后的语言学习阶段中的可选课程 《丝 英语》是一门综合训练学生英语语言知识、提高英语语言应用能力、培养良好学习气 略和跨文化交际能力的课程。作为公共基础选修课,《高级英语》旨在帮助那些学有 余力,英语基础较好的学生达到《大学英语课程教学要求》所规定的较高要求,并为 课程简介: 共达到更高要求的目标莫定良好的基础。 本课程要求教师应以先进的外语教学理论为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手 段为一体,通过涉猎内容广泛的材料,包括主干教材和辅助教材所涉及的英美国家历 、政治、经济、法律、社会、哲学、语音、教育及自然科学等方面的文章,扩大学 生的知识面,培养学生英语语言前 力在 、说 发展。在进 步扩大学生的词汇量及语用习惯的前提下,为其进行专业英语领域方面的学习莫定 定琴础。 浙江大学,新编大学英语第5册(第二版),外语教学与研究出版社,北京,2006.6 建议教材: 浙江大学,新编大学英语视听说教程第5册(第二版),外语教学与研究出版社,北 京,2006.7. 1.陈仲利,《最新英美报刊选读》,中国人民大学出版社,北京,2009.9. 天津大 国历史 版 00g 王波 文化选读》 北 出版社,北 2004.5 参考书: 4.何田 《英语学习背景知识英国澳大利亚》第三版,北京大学出版社,北京, 2004.6. 5. 孟继有,《英语学习背景知识美国加拿大》第三版,北京大学出版社,北京, 2004.6. 二、爆程教育目标 诵讨本课程的学习。学生应能够达到《大学英语误得教学要求》所规定的较高要求。部分学生应认到更高要求的标准, 并为其将来专业英语的学习奠定一定的基础。在提升其自主学习能力,团体协作能力以及综合文化素养的同时,使共在今后 的工作和社会交往 用英语有效地进行口头和书面信息交流。 三、理论教学内容与要求

《高级英语》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程编号: (已有编号课 程) ENG33602T 课程编号: (尚未编号课 程) 所属 学科 知识 领域 学分 类别 总 学 时: 64 理论教学学时 实践教学学时(含上机) 课程中文名称: 高级英语 课程英文名称: Advanced English 课程类别: 公共基础选修 适用专业: 全校(除英语、国贸、法学、行管专业)各专业学生 开课学期: 第四学期 预修课程(编 号): 并修课程(编 号): 课程简介: 《高级英语》属于大学英语教学中四级后阶段的课程。它是学生在达到《大学英 语课程教学要求》所规定的一般要求之后的语言学习阶段中的可选课程之一。《高级 英语》是一门综合训练学生英语语言知识、提高英语语言应用能力、培养良好学习策 略和跨文化交际能力的课程。作为公共基础选修课,《高级英语》旨在帮助那些学有 余力,英语基础较好的学生达到《大学英语课程教学要求》所规定的较高要求,并为 其达到更高要求的目标奠定良好的基础。 本课程要求教师应以先进的外语教学理论为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手 段为一体,通过涉猎内容广泛的材料,包括主干教材和辅助教材所涉及的英美国家历 史、政治、经济、法律、社会、哲学、语言、教育及自然科学等方面的文章,扩大学 生的知识面,培养学生英语语言能力在听、说、读、写、译等方面的全面发展。在进 一步扩大学生的词汇量及语用习惯的前提下,为其进行专业英语领域方面的学习奠定 一定基础。 建议教材: 浙江大学,新编大学英语第5册(第二版),外语教学与研究出版社,北京,2006.6. 浙江大学,新编大学英语视听说教程第5册(第二版),外语教学与研究出版社,北 京,2006.7. 参 考 书: 1.陈仲利,《最新英美报刊选读》,中国人民大学出版社,北京,2009.9. 2.田耀,《美国文化点滴》,天津大学出版社,天津,2009.7. 3.王波,《美国历史与文化选读》,北京大学出版社,北京,2004.5. 4.何田,《英语学习背景知识英国澳大利亚》第三版,北京大学出版社,北京, 2004.6. 5. 孟继有,《英语学习背景知识美国加拿大》第三版,北京大学出版社,北京, 2004.6. 二、课程教育目标 通过本课程的学习,学生应能够达到《大学英语课程教学要求》所规定的较高要求,部分学生应达到更高要求的标准。 并为其将来专业英语的学习奠定一定的基础。在提升其自主学习能力,团体协作能力以及综合文化素养的同时,使其在今后 的工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面信息交流。 三、理论教学内容与要求

教学内容: 主干教材、参考教材的指定单元以及教研室自行开发的学习材料。 教学要求: 1.听力理解能力:能基本听懂英语国家人士的谈话和讲座:能听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内英语广播或电视节目, 语速为每分钟150词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和相关细节:能基本听懂外国专家用英语讲授的专业课程。 2.口语表达能力:能够和英语国家的人士进行比较流利的会话,较好地掌握会话策略:能基本表达个人意见、情感 观点等,能基木陈述 事件 理由等 楚,语 语调基本正确。 3。阅读理解能力:能基本读懂英语国家大众性报刊杂志的 一般性题材的文章,阅读速度为每分钟70个词:在快 阅读篇幅较长的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟120个词:能就阅读材料进行略读或寻读:能阅读所学专业的综述性文款,并 能正确理解中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节。 4.书面表达能力九:能就一般性的主题基本表达个人观点:能在半小时内写出160个词的短文,内容完整、条理清 楚、文理通顺。 5。翻译能力:翻译能力:能借助词典翻译一般英语国家报刊上题材熟悉的文章:能摘译所学专业的英语科普文章: 英汉译速为每小时350个英语单词,汉英译速为每小时300个汉字:译文基本通顺、达意,无重大理解和语言错误。 6.词汇:掌握的词汇量应达到5500个单词和1200个词组,共中2200个单词为积极词汇。 四、实践教学内容与要求 1基于计算机的自主学习能力:能在教师指导下,计算机辅助下,根据自身特点、水平、时间,选择合适的学习内 容。个性化的自主学习能够成为课堂教学的有效补充。 2。论文写作基础能力:对于英语论文的格式和要求基本掌损:能写所学专业论文的英文摘要:能撰写指定话趣以及所 学专业的英语小论文:能描述各种图表和统计分析数据。 3。合作学习能力:能够较好地参与和组织针对某一任务的小组活动,培养一定的合作学习策路。 五、作业 作业形式分听说和笔头,通讨自主学习形式和小组合作形式来完成。 听力作业为指定的课外听力内容以及基于计算机和网络相关教材的自主上机学习 口头作业为 话、果 、课堂展示等 笔头作业可为翻译、篇章阅读和写作、学期论文等 六、考核方式 考核方式分为形成性评估和终结性评估两种。 形戒性评估包括学生自我评估、学生相互间的评估以及教师对学生的评估等。通过课堂活动参与和课外活动的记录、网 上自学记录、访谈和课堂成果展示等形式对学生学习过程进行观察、评估和监督,促进学生有效地学习。 终结性评估主要指期末课程考试和听说水平考试。 七、成绩评定 选修课方式记分 考评标准主要侧重学生参与程度和课堂表现 课撒参与 10% 单元测验 20% 学期小论文 10% 六级老 15% 期末考试(笔试+小组口头成果展示) 45% 执笔人:张淑芳、张琬、邱琳 Beijing University of Chemical Technology

教学内容: 主干教材、参考教材的指定单元以及教研室自行开发的学习材料。 教学要求: 1.听力理解能力:能基本听懂英语国家人士的谈话和讲座;能听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内英语广播或电视节目, 语速为每分钟150词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和相关细节;能基本听懂外国专家用英语讲授的专业课程。 2.口语表达能力:能够和英语国家的人士进行比较流利的会话,较好地掌握会话策略;能基本表达个人意见、情感、 观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,表达思想清楚,语音、语调基本正确。 3.阅读理解能力:能基本读懂英语国家大众性报刊杂志的一般性题材的文章,阅读速度为每分钟70个词;在快速 阅读篇幅较长的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟120个词;能就阅读材料进行略读或寻读;能阅读所学专业的综述性文献,并 能正确理解中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节。 4.书面表达能力:能就一般性的主题基本表达个人观点;能在半小时内写出160个词的短文,内容完整、条理清 楚、文理通顺。 5.翻译能力:翻译能力:能借助词典翻译一般英语国家报刊上题材熟悉的文章;能摘译所学专业的英语科普文章; 英汉译速为每小时350个英语单词,汉英译速为每小时300个汉字;译文基本通顺、达意,无重大理解和语言错误。 6.词汇:掌握的词汇量应达到5500个单词和1200个词组,其中2200个单词为积极词汇。 四、实践教学内容与要求 1.基于计算机的自主学习能力:能在教师指导下,计算机辅助下,根据自身特点、水平、时间,选择合适的学习内 容。个性化的自主学习能够成为课堂教学的有效补充。 2.论文写作基础能力:对于英语论文的格式和要求基本掌握;能写所学专业论文的英文摘要;能撰写指定话题以及所 学专业的英语小论文;能描述各种图表和统计分析数据。 3.合作学习能力:能够较好地参与和组织针对某一任务的小组活动,培养一定的合作学习策略。 五、作业 作业形式分听说和笔头,通过自主学习形式和小组合作形式来完成。 听力作业为指定的课外听力内容以及基于计算机和网络相关教材的自主上机学习。 口头作业为对话、采访、辩论、课堂展示等形式; 笔头作业可为翻译、篇章阅读和写作、学期论文等。 六、考核方式 考核方式分为形成性评估和终结性评估两种。 形成性评估包括学生自我评估、学生相互间的评估以及教师对学生的评估等。通过课堂活动参与和课外活动的记录、网 上自学记录、访谈和课堂成果展示等形式对学生学习过程进行观察、评估和监督,促进学生有效地学习。 终结性评估主要指期末课程考试和听说水平考试。 七、成绩评定 选修课方式记分 考评标准主要侧重学生参与程度和课堂表现 课堂参与 10% 单元测验 20% 学期小论文 10% 六级模考 15% 期末考试(笔试 +小组口头成果展示) 45% 执笔人:张淑芳、张琬、邱琳 Beijing University of Chemical Technology

《Advanced English》Syllabus I.Course Information Course Code: ENG33602T Course Name(in Chinese) 高级英语 Course Name(in English): anced English Course Category: Public Selective Course All Majors in BUCT(Excluding majors of English, Target Students: Intemnational Trade,Jurisprudence and Government Administration) Term Available: 4th Semester Total Credit Hours: Total Credits: Prerequisites (Course Code): Parallels (Course Code): Advanced English is one of the courses provided to the students who have passed the College English Test Band 4 Students can select this course only if they have met the basic requir nts as listed in the College Enalish Curriculum ed English com that aims to enrich Mledge of English language.improve students ability t use English,introduce favorable learning strategies and promote students' competence of intercultural communications.As one of the public selective core courses,Advanced English is designed to help those students who have high proficiency in English to reach the intermediate requirements according to college Enalish irements.while lay a good foundation so as Course Description: reach the hig 9 Teachers of the course must be guided by the adva nce es of foreign language teaching.and combin multipl teaching models with various teaching approaches.By using both main textbooks and supplementary references.which cover the fields of history.politics,economy.law.society philosophy.language.education.and natural science of English speaking countries,teachers are supposed to help students to have a diverse range of knowledge.and develo students'comprehensive ability in listen speaking reading. lation of top of ago comma lary and pragmatic h habit. the course also dec ted to laying a comparative solid languag foundation for students in their further study of specialized English. Textbooks Recommended: Zhejiang University,New College English Book 5(Second Edition),Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Beijing,.2006.6

《Advanced English》Syllabus I . Course Information Course Code: ENG33602T Course Name(in Chinese): 高级英语 Course Name(in English): Advanced English Course Category: Public Selective Course Target Students: All Majors in BUCT (Excluding majors of English, International Trade, Jurisprudence and Government Administration) Term Available: 4th Semester Total Credit Hours: 64 Total Credits: 4 Prerequisites(Course Code): Parallels(Course Code): Course Description: Advanced English is one of the courses provided to the students who have passed the College English Test Band 4. Students can select this course only if they have met the basic requirements as listed in the College English Curriculum Requirements. Advanced English is a comprehensive course that aims to enrich students’ knowledge of English language, improve students’ ability to use English, introduce favorable learning strategies and promote students’ competence of intercultural communications. As one of the public selective core courses, Advanced English is designed to help those students who have high proficiency in English to reach the intermediate requirements according to College English Curriculum Requirements, while lay a good foundation so as to reach the higher requirements. Teachers of the course must be guided by the advanced theories of foreign language teaching, and combine multiple teaching models with various teaching approaches. By using both main textbooks and supplementary references, which cover the fields of history, politics, economy, law, society, philosophy, language, education, and natural science of English speaking countries, teachers are supposed to help students to have a diverse range of knowledge, and develop students’ comprehensive ability in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation of English. On top of a good command of vocabulary and pragmatic habit, the course is also dedicated to laying a comparative solid language foundation for students in their further study of specialized English. Textbooks Recommended: Zhejiang University, New College English Book 5 (Second Edition), Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Beijing, 2006.6

Zhejiang University,New College English View,Listen and Speak Book 5(Second Edition).Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,Beijing,2006.7. 1.Chen Zhongli Mass Media Reading (Second Edition) University Press.Beijin 20099 2.Tiao Yao, Wang Bo.Selected Readings in American History& Supplementary Materials Culture,Peking University Press,Beijing.2004.5. 4.He Tian,Cultural Background for English Study:Britain and Australia,(Third Edition),Peking University Press Beijing,2004.6. 5.Meng Jiyou,Cultural Background for English Study America and Canada (Third Edition),Peking University Press.Beijing.2004.6. ll.Learning Goals and Objectives After the study of the course,students are supposed to reach the intermediate requirements of the College English Curriculum Requirements,with some of them reaching the higher requirements,while at the same time lay a good foundation for the study of specialized English in the future.In accord with the improvement of their ability of self-study. team cooperation,and their comprehensive cultural literacy,students should be able to participate in both oral and written communications with people effectively by using English as a tool. ll.Course Content and Requirements Course Content: Designated units of main textbooks and supplementary references including materials compiled by the faculty of Advanced Classes Course Requirements: 1.Listening:Students should be able to follow.in the main talks and lectures by people from English-speaking countries.to understand longer English radio and TV programs produced in China on familiar topics spoken at a speed of around 150 wpm,grasping the main ideas,key points and relevant details.They should be able to understand,by and large.course in their areas of specialty taught by foreign teachers in english. 2 Speaking Students should be able to hold c nversations in fairly fluent English with people from English- tries,and to well tra They shou d views,and to state facts events correct pronunciation and intonation 3.Reading:Students should,in the main,be able to read essays on general topics in newspapers and magazines published in English-speaking countries at a speed of 80 wpm.With longer texts for fast reading,the reading speed should be 120 wom.Students should be able to skim or scan reading materials.When reading summary literature in there are as of specialty.students should be able to get a correct under-standing of the main ideas.major facts and relevant details. 4.Writing:Students should be able to express personal views on general topics,and to complete within 30 shomiwords.Thecomhoul be omplete in content.clear in organization and ewspapers and magazines published in Engish speaking coun es,to translate on a sel ive basis articesof popular science relevant to their own specialty.The speed of translating from English into Chinese should be 350 English words per hour where as the speed of translating from Chinese into English should be 300 Chinese characters per hour.The translation should read smoothly.convey the original meaning and be free from serious mistakes in understanding or expression. 6.Recommended Vocabulary:Students should acquire a total of 5,500 words and 1,200 phrases among which 2.200 are active words

Zhejiang University, New College English View, Listen and Speak Book 5 (Second Edition), Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Beijing, 2006.7. Supplementary Materials: 1. Chen Zhongli, Mass Media Reading (Second Edition), China Renmin University Press, Beijing, 2009.9. 2.Tiao Yao,American Cultural Tips, Tianjin University Press, Tianjin, 2009.7. 3. Wang Bo, Selected Readings in American History & Culture, Peking University Press, Beijing, 2004.5. 4. He Tian, Cultural Background for English Study: Britain and Australia, (Third Edition), Peking University Press, Beijing, 2004.6. 5. Meng Jiyou , Cultural Background for English Study: America and Canada (Third Edition), Peking University Press, Beijing, 2004.6. II. Learning Goals and Objectives After the study of the course, students are supposed to reach the intermediate requirements of the College English Curriculum Requirements, with some of them reaching the higher requirements, while at the same time lay a good foundation for the study of specialized English in the future. In accord with the improvement of their ability of self-study, team cooperation, and their comprehensive cultural literacy, students should be able to participate in both oral and written communications with people effectively by using English as a tool. III. Course Content and Requirements Course Content: Designated units of main textbooks and supplementary references including materials compiled by the faculty of Advanced Classes. Course Requirements: l. Listening: Students should be able to follow, in the main talks and lectures by people from English-speaking countries, to understand longer English radio and TV programs produced in China on familiar topics spoken at a speed of around 150 wpm, grasping the main ideas, key points and relevant details. They should be able to understand, by and large, course in their areas of specialty taught by foreign teachers in English. 2. Speaking: Students should be able to hold conversations in fairly fluent English with people from English￾speaking countries, and to employ fairly well conversational strategies. They should, by and large, be able to express their personal opinions, feelings and views, and to state facts, events and reasons with clear articulation and basically correct pronunciation and intonation. 3. Reading: Students should, in the main, be able to read essays on general topics in newspapers and magazines published in English-speaking countries at a speed of 80 wpm. With longer texts for fast reading, the reading speed should be 120 wpm. Students should be able to skim or scan reading materials. When reading summary literature in there are as of specialty, students should be able to get a correct under-standing of the main ideas, major facts and relevant details. 4. Writing: Students should be able to express personal views on general topics, and to complete within 30 minutes a short composition of 160 words. The composition should be complete in content, clear in organization and coherent in discourse. 5. Translation: With the help of dictionaries, students should be able to translate texts on familiar topics in newspapers and magazines published in English speaking countries, to translate on a selective basis articles of popular science relevant to their own specialty. The speed of translating from English into Chinese should be 350 English words per hour where as the speed of translating from Chinese into English should be 300 Chinese characters per hour. The translation should read smoothly, convey the original meaning and be free from serious mistakes in understanding or expression. 6. Recommended Vocabulary: Students should acquire a total of 5,500 words and l,200 phrases among which 2,200 are active words

IV.Practical Requirements 1.Computer-based independent learning ability: Students can be assisted by computers in choosing the appropriate content of learning according to their specific needs,proficiency and schedule under the guidance of teachers.Individualized self-learning should be an effective plus of class-room teaching. 2.Fundamental Ability for thesis writing: Students are required to grasp basic paper-writing format;they can write English abstract for professional papers; they should be able to write English papers on designated topics or their professional fields;and they have the capability to depict various graphs and statistics. 3.Cooperative study ability: Students are expected to have the ability to organize and participate in task-based group work,and they are expected to learn the study strategy of cooperation with learning partners. V.Assignment Assignment consists of listening,speaking practice and written homework,which will be completed in form of individual work and group work. Listening practice refers to listening tasks assigned by teachers or based on computer-assisted learning program. Oral practice takes the form of conversation,interview,debating,classroom presentation and demonstration. Written homework includes translation,passage reading,essay writing and term paper. VI.Assessment Method Evaluation consists of formative assessment and summative assessment. Formative assessment includes students'self-assessment,peer-assessment,and assessment conducted by teachers and etc..By keeping a record of students'in and outside of classroom activities and online self-learning data. keeping files on students study results,conducting interviews and holding term demonstrations,students'learning process is under observation,evaluation and supervision,thus contributing to the enhancement of their learning efficiency. Summative assessment mainly refers to final achievement tests and proficiency tests on listening and speaking. VIl.Grading Assessment will be carried out according to the criterion for selective courses,under which,students'participation and class performance are highly emphasized. The specific proportion of the total score can be seen as follows: class attendance 10% quizzes 20% term paper 10% simulated tests 15% final examination(written work and class presentation included) 45%

IV. Practical Requirements 1. Computer-based independent learning ability: Students can be assisted by computers in choosing the appropriate content of learning according to their specific needs, proficiency and schedule under the guidance of teachers. Individualized self-learning should be an effective plus of class-room teaching. 2. Fundamental Ability for thesis writing: Students are required to grasp basic paper-writing format; they can write English abstract for professional papers; they should be able to write English papers on designated topics or their professional fields; and they have the capability to depict various graphs and statistics. 3. Cooperative study ability: Students are expected to have the ability to organize and participate in task-based group work, and they are expected to learn the study strategy of cooperation with learning partners. V. Assignment Assignment consists of listening, speaking practice and written homework, which will be completed in form of individual work and group work. Listening practice refers to listening tasks assigned by teachers or based on computer-assisted learning program. Oral practice takes the form of conversation, interview, debating, classroom presentation and demonstration. Written homework includes translation, passage reading, essay writing and term paper. VI. Assessment Method Evaluation consists of formative assessment and summative assessment. Formative assessment includes students’ self-assessment, peer-assessment, and assessment conducted by teachers and etc.. By keeping a record of students’ in and outside of classroom activities and online self-learning data, keeping files on students study results, conducting interviews and holding term demonstrations, students’ learning process is under observation, evaluation and supervision, thus contributing to the enhancement of their learning efficiency. Summative assessment mainly refers to final achievement tests and proficiency tests on listening and speaking. VII. Grading Assessment will be carried out according to the criterion for selective courses, under which, students’ participation and class performance are highly emphasized. The specific proportion of the total score can be seen as follows: class attendance 10% quizzes 20% term paper 10% simulated tests 15% final examination (written work and class presentation included) 45%



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