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《英语1》教学大纲 、课程基本信息 课程编号: (已有绵号课 ENG11600T 程) 课程编 (尚未编号课 知识 域 学分 类别 程) 64(精渍 总学时: 48。听试 理论数学学时 实践教学学时(含上机) 16) 课程中文名称:英 课程英文名称: ENGLISH 米程类别: 公共基础课(必修) 适用专业: 全校非英语专业普通班级一级班学生 开里学期: 秋 预修课程(编 号》 并修课程(编 号): 大学英语是高等教有一个有机组成部分,是大学生的一门必修的基础课程。大学英语 课程简介: 是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论 为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。 事兰 《新编大学英语》(第2版),外语教学与研究出版社,北京,2008. 建议教材: 代交互英语》(第2版),清华大学出版社,北京,2008 参考书: 陈中利,《新思维大学英语视听说》,化学工业出版社,北京,2009. 二、课程教有目标 大学英语的敦教学目标是培养学生综合运用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效 地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要。 三、理论教学内容与要求 英语精读课一级(48学时精读) 阅读:能正确理解与课本难易相当的英语文章,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实与有关细节。阅读速度为每分钟约50 词。在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟约70个词。能就阅读材料进行略读和寻读。能使用简单 的阅读方法和策略。 写作:能完成简单的写作任条:堂振英语段落的基本写法】 确的 英汉 译,无严重的理解和表达错误 同:李提调汇我达个单词60个含冲学液事提的肉 四、实验教学内容与要求(含学时分配) 英语听说课一级(16学时) 听力理解:能基本听懂老师语速较慢,用词较为简单的英语授课,能基本听懂日常谈话和一般性题材的英语听力材 料,能掌损其中心意思不 要点。 用基本的刨 口语表 能用简单 教师提出的问 。能用简单的英语进行交流。对难度适中的对话、较短的文章能进行模 仿、复述。做到语音、语调基本正确 五、作业

《 英语I 》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程编号: (已有编号课 程) ENG11600T 课程编号: (尚未编号课 程) 所属 学科 知识 领域 学分 类别 总 学 时: 64(精读 48,听说 16) 理论教学学时 实践教学学时(含上机) 课程中文名称: 英语I 课程英文名称: ENGLISH I 课程类别: 公共基础课(必修) 适用专业: 全校非英语专业普通班级一级班学生 开课学期: 秋 预修课程(编 号): 并修课程(编 号): 课程简介: 大学英语是高等教育一个有机组成部分,是大学生的一门必修的基础课程。大学英语 是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论 为指导,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。 建议教材: 应惠兰,《新编大学英语》(第2版),外语教学与研究出版社,北京,2008. 李荫华,《新时代交互英语》(第2版),清华大学出版社,北京,2008. 参 考 书: 陈仲利,《新思维大学英语视听说》,化学工业出版社,北京,2009. 二、课程教育目标 大学英语的教学目标是培养学生综合运用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效 地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要。 三、理论教学内容与要求 英语精读课一级(48学时精读) 阅读:能正确理解与课本难易相当的英语文章,掌握中心意思,理解主要事实与有关细节。阅读速度为每分钟约50 词。在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟约70个词。能就阅读材料进行略读和寻读。能使用简单 的阅读方法和策略。 写作:能完成简单的写作任务;掌握英语段落的基本写法。 翻译:能对一般性的句子进行较为准确的英汉互译,无严重的理解和表达错误。 词汇:掌握词汇量应达到约1200个单词和180个词组(含中学应掌握的词汇)。 四、实验教学内容与要求(含学时分配) 英语听说课一级(16学时) 听力理解:能基本听懂老师语速较慢,用词较为简单的英语授课,能基本听懂日常谈话和一般性题材的英语听力材 料,能掌握其中心意思和基本要点。能运用基本的听力技能。 口语表达:能用简单英语回答教师提出的问题。能用简单的英语进行交流。对难度适中的对话、较短的文章能进行模 仿、复述。做到语音、语调基本正确。 五、作业

作业形式分听力、口头、笔头和个性化作业: 听力作业为指定的课外听力内容,要求学生课下听: 口头作业为朗通、背诵、对话、采访、辩论、课堂展示等: 笔头作业为单句翻译、适句、默写、段落写作、篇章写作等。 个性化作业可为名篇阅读、电影欣赏、名句名段摘录、周记等。笔头作业还包括学生课下所做的阅读训练和词汇语法练 习。 六、考核方式 考核分形戒性评估和终结性评估两种。 形成性评估包括课堂表现记录,网络自主学习记录,单元测验、听力测试,口语测试,期中测试等。其目的是根据教学 目标,通过多种检测手段和形式跟踪学生的学习过程,检测学习及教学效果。形成性评估成绩占最后综合成绩的5%以上。 终结性评估主要是期末考试和水平测试。旨在评估学生的英语综合应用能力,检测听说读写各项技能。 七、成绩评定 每学期成绩满分为100分,其中平时成绩占20-30%(包括作业、单元测验、课堂表现、听力测试、口语测试等):期中 成绩占20-25%:期末成绩占45-50%。 执笔人:第一英语教研室张林冬 Beijing University of Chemical Technology Syllabus for English I I.Course Information Course Code: ENG11600T me(in Chinese) 英语 Course Name(in English): ENGLISHI Course Category: General and Basic (Required) Target Students: Non-English Major Students of Level 1 Term Available: Fall 64 (48 for intensive reading and 16 for listening and Total Credit Hours: speaking) Total Credits: 4 Prerequisites (Course Code): Parallels (Course Code): College English.an integral part of higher leaming.is a required basic course for underaraduate students under the guidance of theories of foreign language teaching and Course Description: the English langu and intercultura Thi course stresses on the systematic study of the targe language by incorporating different teaching approaches and models. Textbooks Recommended: Ying Huilan,New College English (2nd edition),Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.Beijing.2008

作业形式分听力、口头、笔头和个性化作业; 听力作业为指定的课外听力内容,要求学生课下听; 口头作业为朗诵、背诵、对话、采访、辩论、课堂展示等; 笔头作业为单句翻译、造句、默写、段落写作、篇章写作等。 个性化作业可为名篇阅读、电影欣赏、名句名段摘录、周记等。笔头作业还包括学生课下所做的阅读训练和词汇语法练 习。 六、考核方式 考核分形成性评估和终结性评估两种。 形成性评估包括课堂表现记录,网络自主学习记录,单元测验、听力测试,口语测试,期中测试等。其目的是根据教学 目标,通过多种检测手段和形式跟踪学生的学习过程,检测学习及教学效果。形成性评估成绩占最后综合成绩的50%以上。 终结性评估主要是期末考试和水平测试。旨在评估学生的英语综合应用能力,检测听说读写各项技能。 七、成绩评定 每学期成绩满分为100分,其中平时成绩占20-30%(包括作业、单元测验、课堂表现、听力测试、口语测试等);期中 成绩占20-25%;期末成绩占45-50%。 执笔人: 第一英语教研室 张林冬 Beijing University of Chemical Technology Syllabus for English I I. Course Information Course Code: ENG11600T Course Name(in Chinese): 英语I Course Name(in English): ENGLISH I Course Category: General and Basic (Required) Target Students: Non-English Major Students of Level 1 Term Available: Fall Total Credit Hours: 64 (48 for intensive reading and 16 for listening and speaking) Total Credits: 4 Prerequisites(Course Code): Parallels(Course Code): Course Description: College English, an integral part of higher learning, is a required basic course for undergraduate students. Under the guidance of theories of foreign language teaching and learning, College English has as its main components knowledge and practical skills of the English language, learning strategies and intercultural communication. This course stresses on the systematic study of the target language by incorporating different teaching approaches and models. Textbooks Recommended: Ying Huilan, New College English (2nd edition), Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Beijing, 2008

Li Yinhua,New Era Interactive English (2nd edition). Tsinghua University Press.Beijing,2008. Supplementary Materials: Chen Zhongli,New Conception English,Chemical Industry Press,Beijing.2009. ll.Learning Goals and Objectives and speaking.so that they will be able to communicate effectively in their future studies and careers as well as socia interactions.This course also aims to improve the leamers'ability to study independently and enhance their general cultural awareness so as to meet the needs of China's social development and intemational exchanges. Il.Course Content and Requirements Intensive Reading Level 1 (48 credit hours) Reading:Students should be able to read English texts of the same level as the textbook passages at the speed of 50 wpm with a good comprehension of the main points,major facts and relevant details.With longer yet less difficult texts,the reading speed should be 70 wpm.They should be able to do skimming and scanning.employing simple reading skills and strategies Writing:Students should be able to complete simple writing tasks and have a command of the basic writing strategies for paragraph writing Translation:Studen ould be able to translate sentences on familiar topics from English into Chinese and vice versa.r serious mistakes in comprehension and expression Recomm dVocabulary:Students shoul that are covered in the high school English course). IV.Practical Requirements Listening and Speaking Skills Level 1(16 credit hours) Listening:Students are expected to understand everyday conversations and listening materials on general topics in English,following simple classroom instructions delivered at a slow speed..They should be able to understand the main points and major details of the listening materials.They are expected to be able to employ basic listening strategies to facilitate comprehension. Speaking:Students should be able to answer simple questions in class.use familiar and simple expressions and sentences to exchange opinions with classmates.They are expected to be able to imitate the English speakers in mediate level and retell shor passages with clear articulation,nearly V.Assignment Forms of assignments:listening assignments,oral assignments,writing assignments,and individualized assignments 1.Listening Assignments:after-class listening 2.Speaking Assignments:reading aloud,reciting.dialogues-making,interviewing.debating and presentation,etc 3.Writing Assignments:sentence-translating.sentence-making.dictating.paragraph writing,and composition writing. 4.Individualized Assignments:classic texts appreciation,movie appreciation,extracts of celebrated dictums joumals,etc Reading exercises.grammatical and vocabulary exercises are also part of the assignments. VI.Assessment Methods consist of formative asse sment and summative assessment essment consists of records of students'performance in class,online self-eaming data,unit tests istening tests,oral tests,and mid-term tests etc.It aims to keep tracks of the students'leamning process and monitor

Li Yinhua, New Era Interactive English (2nd edition), Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2008. Supplementary Materials: Chen Zhongli, New Conception English, Chemical Industry Press, Beijing, 2009. II. Learning Goals and Objectives College English is designed to develop integrated competence of students in using English, especially in listening and speaking, so that they will be able to communicate effectively in their future studies and careers as well as social interactions. This course also aims to improve the learners’ ability to study independently and enhance their general cultural awareness so as to meet the needs of China’s social development and international exchanges. III. Course Content and Requirements Intensive Reading Level 1 ( 48 credit hours ) Reading: Students should be able to read English texts of the same level as the textbook passages at the speed of 50 wpm with a good comprehension of the main points, major facts and relevant details. With longer yet less difficult texts, the reading speed should be 70 wpm. They should be able to do skimming and scanning, employing simple reading skills and strategies Writing: Students should be able to complete simple writing tasks and have a command of the basic writing strategies for paragraph writing. Translation: Students should be able to translate sentences on familiar topics from English into Chinese and vice versa. The translation should be generally accurate, i.e. free from serious mistakes in comprehension and expression. Recommended Vocabulary: Students should acquire a total of 1,200 words and 180 phrases (including those that are covered in the high school English course). IV. Practical Requirements Listening and Speaking Skills Level 1 (16 credit hours ) Listening: Students are expected to understand everyday conversations and listening materials on general topics in English, following simple classroom instructions delivered at a slow speed,. They should be able to understand the main points and major details of the listening materials. They are expected to be able to employ basic listening strategies to facilitate comprehension. Speaking: Students should be able to answer simple questions in class, use familiar and simple expressions and sentences to exchange opinions with classmates. They are expected to be able to imitate the English speakers in conversations at intermediate level and retell short passages with clear articulation, nearly correct pronunciation and intonation. V. Assignment Forms of assignments: listening assignments, oral assignments, writing assignments, and individualized assignments 1. Listening Assignments: after-class listening 2. Speaking Assignments: reading aloud, reciting, dialogues-making, interviewing, debating and presentation, etc. 3. Writing Assignments: sentence-translating, sentence-making, dictating, paragraph writing, and composition writing. 4. Individualized Assignments: classic texts appreciation, movie appreciation, extracts of celebrated dictums, journals, etc. Reading exercises, grammatical and vocabulary exercises are also part of the assignments. VI. Assessment Methods The assessment methods consist of formative assessment and summative assessment. Formative assessment consists of records of students’ performance in class, online self-learning data, unit tests, listening tests, oral tests, and mid-term tests etc. It aims to keep tracks of the students’ learning process and monitor

leaming and teaching effect in accordance with the teaching obiectives and by means of various evaluative methods.It accounts for 50%of the total grades. Summative assessment mainly consists of final tests and proficiency tests,designated to evaluate students'all- round ability to use English and assess students'competence in listening.speaking.reading and writing. VII.Grading Everyday records,including those of assignments.unit tests,performance in class.listening tests and oral tests. comprise 20%or 30%of the total grades while mid-term tests about 20%or 25%,and final tests about 45%or 50%

learning and teaching effect in accordance with the teaching objectives and by means of various evaluative methods. It accounts for 50% of the total grades. Summative assessment mainly consists of final tests and proficiency tests , designated to evaluate students’ all￾round ability to use English and assess students’ competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing. VII. Grading Everyday records, including those of assignments, unit tests, performance in class, listening tests and oral tests, comprise 20% or 30% of the total grades while mid-term tests about 20% or 25%, and final tests about 45% or 50%



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