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《大学英语》课程电子教案(PPT课件)英美报刊选读(第二版)电子课件 Unit 7 Ideology and Belief


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Unit 7 Ideology and Belief 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 7 Ideology and Belief

最新来集报刊德Unit7 Ideology and Belief Return Passage 1 Ethnic Fires Still Smoulder In Nigeria Language Features Background Information Warming-up Questions Organization Analys达 Detailed Reading Post-Reading

Ethnic Fires Still Smoulder In Nigeria Background Information Language Features Detailed Reading Post-Reading Passage 1 Organization Analysis Warming-up Questions 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 7 Ideology and Belief

最新来寒报刊毯穰Unit7 Ideology and Belief Return Language Features ●报刊中的宗教及宗教词汇 由于本单元观念信仰内容的特殊性,本单元的文 章基本来自《基督教科学箴言报》,在美国为数 不多的有影响力的报纸中,《基督教科学箴言报》 是很独特的一份报纸。虽然它是一份教会主办的 报纸,可它却不是一份宗教报纸。虽然该报目的 不是进行宗教宣传,而是向信徒和公众提供服务, 但大千世界、种族纷呈,使它的报纸中自然少不 了涉及宗教及宗教词汇。 华品杀的品紧料品品品余料品品综沙条

Language Features 报刊中的宗教及宗教词汇 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 7 Ideology and Belief 由于本单元观念信仰内容的特殊性,本单元的文 章基本来自《基督教科学箴言报》,在美国为数 不多的有影响力的报纸中,《基督教科学箴言报》 是很独特的一份报纸。虽然它是一份教会主办的 报纸,可它却不是一份宗教报纸。虽然该报目的 不是进行宗教宣传,而是向信徒和公众提供服务, 但大千世界、种族纷呈,使它的报纸中自然少不 了涉及宗教及宗教词汇

最新英寒报刊毯瘼Unit7 Ideology and Belief Return 宗教方面,比如我们熟知的: 基督教(Christian);天主教(Catholic) 还有从基督教中分离出来的各教派: 东正教(Eastern Orthodox) 新教(Protestantism); 福音会(Evangelicals) 普救派(Universalists) 公理宗(Congregationalists)等。 有着悠久的犹太教与基督教(Judeo-Christian) 传统的美国,如今正迅速成为世界上最具宗教 多样性的国家。 坐品示的品总券条羊品品瑞品品

宗教方面,比如我们熟知的: 基督教(Christian);天主教(Catholic) 还有从基督教中分离出来的各教派: 东正教(Eastern Orthodox) 新教(Protestantism); 福音会(Evangelicals) 普救派(Universalists) 公理宗(Congregationalists)等。 有着悠久的犹太教与基督教(Judeo-Christian) 传统的美国,如今正迅速成为世界上最具宗教 多样性的国家。 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 7 Ideology and Belief

最新茅兼报刊毯寝Unit7 Ideology and Belief Return 另有一些涉及宗教的词汇,也是我们在阅读报刊、 了解天下事时所不得不了解的:如在最古老宗教之 一的犹太教(Judaism)中, Torah(托辣,即律法):犹太教的主要训诫与 教义均来自这里,也就是圣经的前五卷书。 Mishnah(米市纳,即重述):在以色列土地上的 犹太教学者于西元70年编辑的圣经第6卷。 Gemara(革玛辣,即解释):五世纪时对圣经第 6卷做的一些补充。 Rabbi(拉比):犹太人的学者或犹太教师。 Talumd(塔耳慕得):犹太口传经文。 丝的品品心品的品品品沙品 A墨U

另有一些涉及宗教的词汇,也是我们在阅读报刊、 了解天下事时所不得不了解的:如在最古老宗教之 一的犹太教(Judaism)中, Torah(托辣,即律法):犹太教的主要训诫与 教义均来自这里,也就是圣经的前五卷书。 Mishnah (米市纳,即重述):在以色列土地上的 犹太教学者于西元70年编辑的圣经第6卷。 Gemara (革玛辣,即解释):五世纪时对圣经第 6卷做的一些补充。 Rabbi(拉比):犹太人的学者或犹太教师。 Talumd (塔耳慕得):犹太口传经文。 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 7 Ideology and Belief

最新英寒报刊毯瘼Unit7 Ideology and Belief Return 而在伊斯兰教(Islam)中, Islam(伊斯兰):阿拉伯语的音译,本意“顺从”。 Muslims(穆斯林):阿拉伯语指顺从安拉旨意的 人,即“顺从者”,是伊斯兰教徒的通称。 imam(伊玛目):伊斯兰教国家穆斯林的领袖或 伊斯兰教教长。 Sheikh(胥克):阿拉伯国家的酋长或王子;也 指伊斯兰教教主或(土耳其的)伊斯兰教法典权威。 Uama(乌力马):接受伊斯兰教和伊斯兰法律训 练,是穆斯林的学者或宗教、法律的权威。 希望这些宗教专业词汇能对我们的学习有所帮助。 坐品示的品总券条羊品品瑞品品

而在伊斯兰教(Islam)中, Islam(伊斯兰):阿拉伯语的音译,本意“顺从”。 Muslims(穆斯林):阿拉伯语指顺从安拉旨意的 人,即“顺从者”,是伊斯兰教徒的通称。 imam(伊玛目):伊斯兰教国家穆斯林的领袖或 伊斯兰教教长。 Sheikh(胥克):阿拉伯国家的酋长或王子;也 指伊斯兰教教主或(土耳其的)伊斯兰教法典权威。 Ulama(乌力马):接受伊斯兰教和伊斯兰法律训 练,是穆斯林的学者或宗教、法律的权威。 希望这些宗教专业词汇能对我们的学习有所帮助。 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 7 Ideology and Belief

最新茅寒报利毯寝Unit7 Ideology and Belief Return Background Information Ethnic Conflict Escalates In Nigeria Nigeria was brought into being under British colonial rule,when in the early 1900s Lord Lugard forged together the Moslem Northern protectorate and the Southern Christian sphere.The British encouraged regionalism.The South was divided up into a western and eastern region.Under the governor-general Richards,a constitution was set up in 1946 that created three regional councils-one in the north,east and west provinces.The provinces,later called regions,held more devolved power following a revision of the constitution in 1951 under governor-general McPherson

Background Information Ethnic Conflict EscalatesIn Nigeria Nigeria was brought into being under British colonial rule, when in the early 1900s Lord Lugard forged together the Moslem Northern protectorate and the Southern Christian sphere. The British encouraged regionalism. The South was divided up into a western and eastern region. Under the governor-general Richards, a constitution was set up in 1946 that created three regional councils—one in the north, east and west provinces. The provinces, later called regions, held more devolved power following a revision of the constitution in 1951 under governor-general McPherson. 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 7 Ideology and Belief

最新英寒报刊毯瘼Unit7 Ideology and Belief Return These regions reflected political divisions based on tribal allegiance.The western region was dominated by the Action GroupAG(mainly Yoruba),the northern region by the Northern People's Congress NPC (mainly Hausa-Fulani)and the eastern region by the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons NCNC (mainly Igbo)

These regions reflected political divisions based on tribal allegiance. The western region was dominated by the Action Group AG (mainly Yoruba), the northern region by the Northern People's Congress NPC (mainly Hausa-Fulani) and the eastern region by the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons NCNC (mainly Igbo). 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 7 Ideology and Belief

最新英兼报刊选寝Unit7 Ideology and Belief Return In the lead up to independence,the Eastern and Western regions became self-governing states in 1957 and the North a self-governing state in 1959. Nigeria gained its independence from British rule in October 1960.The tensions between the regions did not ease following independence.The federal government based in Lagos was dominated by the NPC because,being the most populous region,its representation outnumbered the other two regional parties. 巫砂

In the lead up to independence, the Eastern and Western regions became self-governing states in 1957 and the North a self-governing state in 1959. Nigeria gained its independence from British rule in October 1960. The tensions between the regions did not ease following independence. The federal government based in Lagos was dominated by the NPC because, being the most populous region, its representation outnumbered the other two regional parties. 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 7 Ideology and Belief

最新来寒报刊选淚Unit7 Ideology and Belief Return The role of the military throughout Nigeria's independence has been to intervene when ethnic conflicts and tensions threatened to tear it apart. Obasanjo led an army commando division in the war against Biafra and was seen as fervent nationalist.Although a Christian Yoruba from the Southwest,the Northern Muslim Hausa/Fulani military elite favoured him as president.They hope he can hold the disparate forces together

The role of the military throughout Nigeria's independence has been to intervene when ethnic conflicts and tensions threatened to tear it apart. Obasanjo led an army commando division in the war against Biafra and was seen as fervent nationalist. Although a Christian Yoruba from the Southwest, the Northern Muslim Hausa/Fulani military elite favoured him as president. They hope he can hold the disparate forces together. 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 7 Ideology and Belief

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