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《大学英语》课程电子教案(PPT课件)英美报刊选读(第二版)电子课件 Unit 8 Environmental Protection


疑新菜兼报刊毯膜Unit8 Environmental Protection Return Unit 8 Environmental Protection

Unit 8 Environmental Protection 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 8 Environmental Protection

最新英美报刊选读Unit8 Environmental Protection Return Passage 1 Countries in Tug-of-War over Arctic Resources Language Features Background Information Warming-up Questions Organization Analysis Detailed Reading Post-Reading

Countries in Tug-of-War over Arctic Resources 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 8 Environmental Protection Background Information Language Features Detailed Reading Post-Reading Passage 1 Organization Analysis Warming-up Questions

最新英美报刊选读Unit8 Environmental Protection Return Language Features 新闻报道中的“说”词 新闻报道中,作者常常需要引用名人、专家、当事人等所 言或者法律条文、格言警句等,来增加说服力,强调重要性, 或者突出真实性等。在新闻报道中有种种“说”的词汇,来再 现说话者的意境。种种“说”词避免了say的重复使用,同时 也增加了新闻报道的文采。在本报道中,作者多次引用了他人 话语和法律条文

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 8 Environmental Protection Language Features 新闻报道中的“说”词 新闻报道中,作者常常需要引用名人、专家、当事人等所 言或者法律条文、格言警句等,来增加说服力,强调重要性, 或者突出真实性等。在新闻报道中有种种“说”的词汇,来再 现说话者的意境。种种“说”词避免了say的重复使用,同时 也增加了新闻报道的文采。在本报道中,作者多次引用了他人 话语和法律条文

最新英美报刊选读Unit8 Environmental Protection Return 例如在文中,作者引用了《联合国海洋法公约》的法律条文,使用了 According to“根据..所言”,指出了现在围绕北极资源和主权展开争夺 的起因之一,为其观点增加说服力。 除了“according to”和“say”之外,还有很多“说”词,例如: He added that he was pleased with the result. 他补充说,他对结果表示满意。 They warned that the storm was coming. 他们警告说将有暴风雨来临。 The report disclosed that he had been in prison for a year. 报告披露说曾坐过一年牢

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 8 Environmental Protection 例如在文中,作者引用了《联合国海洋法公约》的法律条文,使用了 According to “根据…所言”,指出了现在围绕北极资源和主权展开争夺 的起因之一,为其观点增加说服力。 除了 “according to” 和 “say” 之外,还有很多“说”词,例如: He added that he was pleased with the result. 他补充说,他对结果表示满意。 They warned that the storm was coming. 他们警告说将有暴风雨来临。 The report disclosed that he had been in prison for a year. 报告披露说曾坐过一年牢

最新英美报刊选读Unit8 Environmental Protection Return 另外,还有“sb.is quoted as saying”,“g0..”和 “describe.as..有“说”之意,例如: He is quoted as having said that there will be an election this autumn. 有人引述他的话说今年秋天将举行选举。 They described his attempts to handle the issue as "positive". 他们说他在“积极地”处理该问题

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 8 Environmental Protection 另外,还有“sb. is quoted as saying …”, “go…” 和 “describe …as…”有“说”之意,例如: He is quoted as having said that there will be an election this autumn. 有人引述他的话说今年秋天将举行选举。 They described his attempts to handle the issue as “positive”. 他们说他在“积极地”处理该问题

最新英美报刊选读Unit8 Environmental Protection Return Background Information Arctic Resources and Environmental Protection 北极地区蕴藏着丰富的石油、天然气、矿物和渔业资源。北极可能 蕴藏着多达900亿桶未开采的石油储量以及1,670万亿立方英尺的未开 采天然气。据估计它们占全球未开采油气总量的20%到30%;该地区煤 炭储量约占世界全部储量的9%;另外,北极地区还有大量的金刚石、 金、铀等矿藏和水产资源,北极地区的边缘海巴伦支海是世界海产品的 主要供应地之一

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 8 Environmental Protection Background Information Arctic Resources and Environmental Protection 北极地区蕴藏着丰富的石油、天然气、矿物和渔业资源。北极可能 蕴藏着多达900亿桶未开采的石油储量以及1,670万亿立方英尺的未开 采天然气。据估计它们占全球未开采油气总量的20%到30%;该地区煤 炭储量约占世界全部储量的9%;另外,北极地区还有大量的金刚石、 金、铀等矿藏和水产资源,北极地区的边缘海巴伦支海是世界海产品的 主要供应地之一

最新英美报刊选读Unit8 Environmental Protection Return 北极圈内的极地熊和其它野生动物不仅因全球变暖正面临 无处栖息的危险,还会因石油企业的疯狂开采而受到威胁。 越来越多证据表明,全球变暖导致北极冰面缩小,从而能够 在北极开发资源和开辟新航道。各国之所以在北极问题上展 开激烈竞争,与北极丰富的自然资源、重要的地理位置以及 现有国际法无法有效解决北极主权争议有关

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 8 Environmental Protection 北极圈内的极地熊和其它野生动物不仅因全球变暖正面临 无处栖息的危险,还会因石油企业的疯狂开采而受到威胁。 越来越多证据表明,全球变暖导致北极冰面缩小,从而能够 在北极开发资源和开辟新航道。各国之所以在北极问题上展 开激烈竞争,与北极丰富的自然资源、重要的地理位置以及 现有国际法无法有效解决北极主权争议有关

最新英美报刊选读Unit8 Environmental Protection Return Natural Recourses and Environmental Protection in the Arctic There are eight blanks in the following passage.Choose the best one to complete it. The Arctic includes 1) [A.sizable B.numerical]natural resources(oil,gas,minerals,forest-if the subarctic is included-and fish) 2) [A.in which B.to which]modern technology and the economic opening up of Russia have given significant new opportunities. It's estimated that there are 90 billion barrels of recoverable oil,enough to meet current world demand for almost three years.The interest of the tourism industry is also on the increase

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 8 Environmental Protection The Arctic includes 1) ______ [A. sizable B. numerical] natural resources (oil, gas, minerals, forest—if the subarctic is included—and fish) 2) _______ [A. in which B. to which] modern technology and the economic opening up of Russia have given significant new opportunities. It’s estimated that there are 90 billion barrels of recoverable oil, enough to meet current world demand for almost three years. The interest of the tourism industry is also on the increase. Natural Recourses and Environmental Protection in the Arctic There are eight blanks in the following passage. Choose the best one to complete it

最新英美报刊选读Unit8 Environmental Protection Return The Arctic is one of the last and most 3) [A.intensive B. extensive]continuous wilderness areas in the world,and its significance 4) [A.in preserving B.by preserving]biodiversity and genotypes is considerable.The increasing presence of humans 5) [A. fragments B.fragrances]vital habitats.The Arctic is particularly 6) .[A.susceptible B.suspicious]to the abrasion (of groundcover and to the disturbance of the rare reproduction places of the animals that are 7) [A.typical B.characteristic]to the region. The Arctic also 8) [A.holds B.seizes]1/5 of the Earth's water supply. Key:A BB A,AA B A

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 8 Environmental Protection The Arctic is one of the last and most 3) _______ [ A. intensive B. extensive] continuous wilderness areas in the world, and its significance 4) ________ [ A. in preserving B. by preserving]biodiversity and genotypes is considerable. The increasing presence of humans 5) _______ [ A. fragments B. fragrances] vital habitats. The Arctic is particularly 6) _______ [ A. susceptible B. suspicious] to the abrasion (磨蚀) of groundcover and to the disturbance of the rare reproduction places of the animals that are 7) _______ [ A. typical B. characteristic] to the region. The Arctic also 8) ________ [ A. holds B. seizes] 1/5 of the Earth's water supply. Key: A B B A, A A B A

最新英美报刊选读Unit8 Environmental Protection Return Warming-up:Question 1 What environmental problems are we faced with? pollution,acid rain,global warming, the destruction of forests and other wild habitats,the decline and extinction of thousands of species of animals and plants

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 8 Environmental Protection What environmental problems are we faced with? • pollution, acid rain, global warming, the destruction of forests and other wild habitats, the decline and extinction of thousands of species of animals and plants... Warming-up: Question 1

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