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《大学英语》课程电子教案(PPT课件)英美报刊选读(第二版)电子课件 Unit 9 Sports


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Unit 9 Sports 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 9 Sports

最新英美报刊选读Unit9 Sports Return Passage 1 Michael Phelps Forced to Pay High Price for Folly Canguage Features Background Information Warming-up Questions Organization Analysis Detailed Reading Post-Reading

Michael Phelps Forced to Pay High Price for Folly 最新英美报刊选读_Unit 9 Sports Background Information Language Features Detailed Reading Post-Reading Passage 1 Organization Analysis Warming-up Questions

最新英美报刊选读Unit9 Sports Return Canguage Features 插入语的妙用 英语中的插入语(Parenthesis)是插在句子中的一个词、短语或从句, 通常位于句中,有时也可位于句首或句末,被逗号、破折号或句子的其他 部分隔开,与句子的其他部分之间没有语法上的关系。插入语在句中可以 起到解释说明、表明态度、强调、转移话题、承上启下等不同作用

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 9 Sports Language Features 插入语的妙用 英语中的插入语(Parenthesis)是插在句子中的一个词、短语或从句, 通常位于句中,有时也可位于句首或句末,被逗号、破折号或句子的其他 部分隔开,与句子的其他部分之间没有语法上的关系。插入语在句中可以 起到解释说明、表明态度、强调、转移话题、承上启下等不同作用

最新英美报刊选读Unit9 Sports Return 插入语的形式:插入语的形式多样,可以是单个的词,也可以 是短语或句子。 L,词或短语作插入语 1.I can,however,discuss this when I see you. 然而,我可以在见到你的时候再讨论这件事情。(副词) 2.I slept late yesterday morning;worse still,my bike was out of order. 昨天早上我起得晚。更糟糕的是,我的自行车坏了。(形容 词短语)

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 9 Sports 插入语的形式:插入语的形式多样,可以是单个的词,也可以 是短语或句子。 I. 词或短语作插入语 1. I can , however, discuss this when I see you. 然而,我可以在见到你的时候再讨论这件事情。(副词) 2. I slept late yesterday morning; worse still, my bike was out of order. 昨天早上我起得晚。更糟糕的是,我的自行车坏了。(形容 词短语)

最新英美报刊选读Unit9 Sports Return 3.On the contrary,we should strengthen our ties with them. 相反,我们还应加强和他们的联系。(介词短语) 4. Considering his age,he did very well. 从年龄考虑,他干得挺不错。(分词短语) 5.That's a wonderful idea,to be sure. 这个主意好极了,的确。(不定式短语)

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 9 Sports 3. On the contrary, we should strengthen our ties with them. 相反,我们还应加强和他们的联系。(介词短语) 4. Considering his age, he did very well. 从年龄考虑,他干得挺不错。(分词短语) 5. That’s a wonderful idea, to be sure. 这个主意好极了,的确。 (不定式短语)

最新英美报刊选读Unit9 Sports Return Ⅱ.短句或句子作插入语 1.That would be a good beginning,I hope. 我希望,那是一个好的开始。 2.It's a great mistake,I think,not to accept their proposal. 我看,不接受他们的建议是个大错误。 3.The old man,it is said,was an artist but people hardly know anything about this side of his life..据说,这位老人曾是个艺 术家,可是人们对他这方面的生活几乎一无所知

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 9 Sports II. 短句或句子作插入语 2. It’s a great mistake, I think, not to accept their proposal. 我看,不接受他们的建议是个大错误。 3. The old man, it is said, was an artist but people hardly know anything about this side of his life. 据说,这位老人曾是个艺 术家,可是人们对他这方面的生活几乎一无所知。 1. That would be a good beginning , I hope . 我希望,那是一个好的开始

最新英美报刊选读Unit9 Sports Return 句子插入语的翻译: 1.Still,he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he could contact by radio,unless there was a ship nearby,would be on an island 885 miles away. 分析:句子插入成分将主谓隔开,补充说明“the nearest person he could contact by radio”.即“除非有条船,否则能 联系的最近的人就是” 译文:他仍然忍不住想到,如果发生了什么意外,那么除非附 近有条船,否则他能用电台联系到的最近的人也885英里之外的岛 屿上

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 9 Sports 1. Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he could contact by radio, unless there was a ship nearby, would be on an island 885 miles away. 译文:他仍然忍不住想到,如果发生了什么意外,那么除非附 近有条船,否则他能用电台联系到的最近的人也885英里之外的岛 屿上。 分析:句子插入成分将主谓隔开,补充说明“the nearest person he could contact by radio”.即“除非有条船,否则能 联系的最近的人就是……” 句子插入语的翻译:

最新英美报刊选读Unit9 Sports Return 2.Yet this other life has its interests,its enjoyments,its satisfaction, and,at certain rare intervals,a peaceful glow or a sudden excitement. 分析:上句是一个并列结构,插入语是一个表示时间的介词短语, 从位置来看,它应该是修饰其后的名词结构。 泽文:然而,这另一种生话也有其情趣、快乐、满足,而且也 偶尔伴随着平静的喜悦或者突如其来的激动

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 9 Sports 分析:上句是一个并列结构,插入语是一个表示时间的介词短语, 从位置来看,它应该是修饰其后的名词结构。 2. Yet this other life has its interests, its enjoyments, its satisfaction, and, at certain rare intervals, a peaceful glow or a sudden excitement. 译文:然而,这另一种生活也有其情趣、快乐、满足,而且也 偶尔伴随着平静的喜悦或者突如其来的激动

最新英美报刊选读Unit9 Sports Return 3.Our knowledge of social systems,therefore,while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate,is not likely to be seriously overturned by new discoveries. 分析:句子插入语包括“therefore”(说明因果关条)和“while” 引导的让步状语从句(解释说明主语)。 译文:因此,虽然在很多方面,我们对社会体制的认识极度不准 确,但是这些认识并不能够被新的发现所正式推翻

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 9 Sports 分析:句子插入语包括“therefore”(说明因果关系)和“while” 引导的让步状语从句(解释说明主语)。 3. Our knowledge of social systems, therefore, while it is in many ways extremely inaccurate, is not likely to be seriously overturned by new discoveries. 译文:因此,虽然在很多方面,我们对社会体制的认识极度不准 确,但是这些认识并不能够被新的发现所正式推翻

最新英美报刊选读Unit9 Sports Return 4.What I was being blamed for,it turned out,was a newspaper strike which made it necessary to hand-deliver the advertising inserts that normally are included with the Sunday paper. 分析:插入成分“it turned out”表示“原来,结果是”,是 对结果的一种强调。放在句中与放在句首的作用是一样的。 译文:原来,我是因为一场报纸行业罢工而受到责备。罢工造成 不得不用人工把那些通常是夹在周日报纸里面的广告插页递送出 去

最新英美报刊选读_Unit 9 Sports 分析:插入成分“it turned out”表示“原来,结果是”,是 对结果的一种强调。放在句中与放在句首的作用是一样的。 4. What I was being blamed for, it turned out, was a newspaper strike which made it necessary to hand-deliver the advertising inserts that normally are included with the Sunday paper. 译文:原来,我是因为一场报纸行业罢工而受到责备。罢工造成 不得不用人工把那些通常是夹在周日报纸里面的广告插页递送出 去

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