高二下(选修7) ,品品 鸢 鹦骼爨懈仰
Module 3 Literature Reading practice
Module 3 Literature Reading Practice
Reading practice 1-- Look at the following pictures and talk about what you know about the london of victorian times
Reading practice 1--- Look at the following pictures and talk about what you know about the London of Victorian Times
到了19世纪,人口再次膨胀,形成了大片的维 多利亚时期的市郊。由于工业革命和贸易迅速 增长,人口从1851年的270万激增至1901年时的 660万。伦敦的生活费用一年比一年贵,消费指 数继续暴升,贫富悬殊的情况越趋严重
到了19世纪,人口再次膨胀,形成了大片的维 多利亚时期的市郊。由于工业革命和贸易迅速 增长,人口从1851年的270万激增至1901年时的 660万。伦敦的生活费用一年比一年贵,消费指 数继续暴升,贫富悬殊的情况越趋严重
Reading and practice 2--mvocabulary read the new words and pay more attention to their pronunciation adi: filthy humble v distribute choke swallow attain accumulate accomplish mourn
Reading and practice 2----Vocabulary Read the new words and pay more attention to their pronunciation. adj: filthy humble V. distribute choke swallow attain accumulate accomplish mourn