005 Period 6 Writing
Period 6 Writing
Lead in Guess who he or she is
Lead in Guess who he or she is
No. 2 No. 1 No. 3
No.1 No.2 No.3
No 5 No 4 No 6
No.4 No.5 No.6
No.7 No.8 No.9
How to write about a great person
How to write about a great person Let me think about it!
efore writing you can follow these steps o collect ideas for the letter o write them down in any order o sort them out in an order or o put those idea into a form so that you o can easily see them o Use the form to help you as you write
Before writing you can follow these steps: • collect ideas for the letter • write them down in any order • sort them out in an order or • Put those idea into a form so that you can easily see them • Use the form to help you as you write
→DeaN In this unit we have leamed a lot about the modem hero- Nelson andel Can you give me some information about him? NELSON MANDELA FOUNDATION Living the legacy
In this unit we have learned a lot about the modern hero--- Nelson Mandela. Can you give me some information about him?
Life of Nelson mandela Born July 18, 1918 near Transkei(South Africa) 1937 Entry university but did not complete degree 1940 Formed ANC Youth League 1952 Set up law office to help poor blacl eople in Johannesburg 11952 attacked anti-black law 1961 Government by and for white people set up in south africa 1962 Encouraged violence agains klaws 1963 Led anc to blow up government buildings
Life of Nelson Mandela Born 1937 1940 1952 1952 1961 1962 1963 July 18, 1918 near Transkei (South Africa) Entry university but did not complete degree Formed ANC Youth League Set up law office to help poor black people in Johannesburg attacked anti-black law Government by and for white people set up in south Africa Encouraged violence against anti-black laws Led ANC to blow up government buildings
Enjoy the cample Read the letter first then telll me how to write a persuasion letter
Enjoy the sample Read the letter first, then tell me how to write a persuasion letter