Speaking and Pre-reading
Speaking and Pre-reading
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更多课件、公开课等内容,敬请关注微信公众号: “中小学教学”以及“中学考试” 扫描二维码获 取更多资源
Unit 3 Travel Journal
Unit 3 Travel Journal
Budget(预算) fare Preparation(what to take) time Plan travel agency a travel transportation What to know places of interest What to do destinations且的地)
travel places of interest (destinations目的地) time Budget (预算)/fare transportation travel agency Preparation(what to take) Plan What to do What to know
● Each group get 3 pictures You should guess where it is 10 points for each There are 4 groups to choose from GroUp GroUp B coc@o回
Competition Each group get 3 pictures You should guess where it is 10 points for each. There are 4 groups to choose from. Group A Group B Group C Group D
●●00 止离敬第频道 N8LP回eMm Disney land
mmmm mmmmmmmunriumi the potala palace ibet
the Potala Palace Tibet
Sahara Desert(Africa)LI
Sahara Desert (Africa) □
The great wall
The Great Wall
Arch of Triumph/'traiAmfl, france
Arch of Triumph['traiAmf] , France