Basic IDl knowledge
Basic IDL knowledge )
1. What iS IDL? IDL( Interactive Data Language,交互式数据 语言)是进行交互数据分析和可视化应用 工程跨平台开发 aspX Why using lDL? 1矩阵处理 2图形显示 3.非常多的程序包(SSW, CDALIB等)
1. What is IDL? IDL(Interactive Data Language,交互式数据 语言)是进行交互数据分析和可视化应用 工程跨平台开发 aspx Why using IDL? 1.矩阵处理 2. 图形显示 3. 非常多的程序包(SSW,CDALIB等)
执行方式 1命令交互式 2.程序执行
执行方式 1.命令交互式 2. 程序执行
DL的帮助系统 1查看帮助文件 2.命令帮助
IDL的帮助系统 1.查看帮助文件 2. 命令帮助
②帮助- IDL orkbench 回区 搜索) 执行搜索范围所有主题 内容 日 中曲日 图 Abont iol t IDL Workbench gaide IDL Help 日鬯 IDL API Reference Gui des 日 IL IOL Reference guide Welcome to the IDL 7.1 help system. This home page provides links to 田 Overview of idl syntax information on important IDL topics, including Cd Part i: IDL Command reference E AL Functional List of IDl Routines IDL 7.1 News 田 Dot Command ● What's New in IDL71 Routines: B ● DL Release Notes 田吧 Routines:D Popular Help Topics 田 Routine:E DL Workbench Super Quick Start. 田吧 Routine:G Getting Started with IDL +CL Routines. h 图 routines:I List of IDL Routines by Functional Area 9 A tour of the IdL Workbench interface Using the iDL help system Routines: L IDL Tutorials DL Workbench Tips and Tricks On the web 田 routines:q 9 TT Visual Information Solutions Home Page #NL Routines. R ● DL Home Page Routines: T 田 Routi:胃
DL程序特点 —宽松的语法检査机制 ·分隔符为“",而非空格 不分大小写 变量无需事先说明
IDL程序特点 • 分隔符为“,”,而非空格 • 不分大小写 • 变量无需事先说明 ——宽松的语法检查机制
2. IDL 基本知识
2. 1 Quick Look of IDL DL常用命令 compile [filename1, filename2, .. compile files from 1 to n run [ filename1, filename2 compile and run the compiled program(只运行主程序) rnew [filename1, filename2,.. the same as run, but free all the variants before running except for the common blocks(只运行主程序) 90 run the compiled program out continues executing statements in the current program until it returns reset session 初始化DL系统,使其返回到|DL启动后的初始状态
IDL常用命令 .complile [filename1, filename2,….] compile files from 1 to n .run [filename1, filename2,….] compile and run the compiled program(只运行主程序) .rnew [filename1, filename2,….] the same as .run, but free all the variants before running, except for the common blocks (只运行主程序) .go run the compiled program .out continues executing statements in the current program until it returns .reset_session 初始化IDL系统,使其返回到I DL启动后的初始状态 2.1 Quick Look of IDL
帮助 IDL orkbench 口 搜索()rum 执行搜索范围所有主题 内容 曲,日日 中中鱼|曲 About idl A IDL APT Reference Gui des > IDL Reference Gui de >Part I: IDL Comm and Refer ence>Functional List of IDL 田令 IDL Workbench Gui d 曰回 IDL API Reference gui d 日 CL IDL Reference guid Executive commands 田c0 verview of IDL synta E N Part I: IDL Command Reference COMPILE-Compiles programs without running EN Functional List of IDL Routin RL 3D visualizati oz CONTINUE-Continues execution of a stopped program 自 Animati a Array Creation EDI- Opens files in editor windows of the IDL Workbench tasks such as unloading sharable libraries a Dialog routines Go-Executes a previously compiled sMAlNS program a Direct Graphics OUT. Continues execution until the current routine returns 目 Error Handling RESET SESSION-Resets much of the state of an IDL session without requiring the user to 自 External linking exit and restart the Dl session E Font Manipulation D Help routines RETURN- Continues execution until RE TURN statement RNEW- Erases SMAIN S program variables and then executes RUN a Language Catalogs RUN-Compiles and executes IDL commands from files or keyboard 自 吧 SKIP- Skips over the next n statements and then single steps 田 C object Class Librar STEP-Executes one or n statements from the current positio a Operating System Access STEPOVER-Executes a single statement if the statement does not call a routine 自P nd IDL Control v TRACE-Similar to CONTINUE, but displays each line of code before execution
lDL file commad cd[ path [current=variant file mkdir dirname file copy, file delete, file move spawn[ command
IDL file commad cd [, path] [current=variant] file_mkdir, dirname file_copy,file_delete,file_move spawn [, command]