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Mon feb2510:27:412002 1 8 Set-up Dirichlet conditions at bottom wa kx0=11·(j-1}·(Nx+1 r(k01=74i,j}-Ta11 A(kk0.kk0}=1.0 for ii = 1: Nx+1 for 33= 1: Ny+l 8 Set-up Dirichlet conditions at top boundary (11,j1} 1)*dx; ii 1: Nx-1 kkO= ii +(11-11 r(kkD T(ii, 13)-Tinlet 8 Set-up matrix to solve for convection-diffusion equation g Set-up parabolized boundary conditions at outlet kO (j-1}(Nx+1 6 Pirst, discretize the interior points kk=ii-1+(j-1}* kkN= i1 +(31 )*(Nx+ 2}*(Mx+1 (KkD ulii,]3)/dx"(T(i1 T(1-1,j 11,11)/d·(T41 k/dy^2·{T(i,5+1)-2*1,)·T(i1,j-1 (-2}*(Nx+1} A(kkD, kkOl u(i1, 33)/dx +2*k/dy2 k0)=0.5+u11,j/dx*T(11+1,1)·T(11-1,j A(Kk0,kNN)=0.5v(11,1}/dy 5*v(11,j)/dy*t 5v(i, k/dy^2·{T ) T(i Solve for dm * kdx k/dx"2 为 Update T for j]=l: Ny (-1}·(Mx+1); Set-up Dirichlet conditions at inlet 5,j}=T,j》+d(kk0) kk0= ii +(11-15(NX+1) g Plot result r(kkD ) Tlli, jj)-Tinlet: