CHAPTER 5 Sequential Circuits Latches Flip-Flops
CHAPTER 5: Sequential Circuits: Latches & Flip-Flops
Sequential circuit a There are two types of sequential circuits Synchronous(latch mode) sequential circuit: the behavior can be defined from knowledge of its signal at discrete instants of time. This type of circuits achieves synchronization by using a timing signal called the clock Asynchronous(fundamental mode) sequential circuit: the behavior is dependent on the order of input signal changes over continuous time, and output can change at any time(clockless)
Sequential Circuit ◼ There are two types of sequential circuits: ➢ Synchronous (latch mode) sequential circuit: the behavior can be defined from knowledge of its signal at discrete instants of time. This type of circuits achieves synchronization by using a timing signal called the clock. ➢ Asynchronous (fundamental mode) sequential circuit: the behavior is dependent on the order of input signal changes over continuous time, and output can change at any time (clockless)
Sequential Circuit Models
Sequential circuit Models Falling or Negative Clock E CLOCK t+1 t+2 t+3 t+4
Sequential Circuit Models
Sequential circuit Models Excitation variables INPUT(t)斗 Combinational Combinational Memory ranson ogIc (f) g OUTPUT(O) State Variables
Sequential Circuit Models Excitation Variables Memory M State Variables CLK (E) Combinational Transform (f) INPUT(t) (S) Combinational Logic (g) OUTPUT(O)
Several subsets of the general sequential circuit model ExcitationⅤ ariables INPUT(t)- Combinational Combinational Memory Transform M (S) (g) OUTPUT(O) State Variables E=f Excitation variables S,+1=f(S,E INPUT(t)→ Combin Combinational O=gs Memory Transform M (S) OUTPUT(O) State variables sequential delay model
Several Subsets of the general sequential circuit model Excitation Variables Memory M State Variables CLK (E) Combinational Transform (f) INPUT(t) (S) Combinational Logic (g) OUTPUT(O) Excitation Variables Memory M State Variables CLK (E) Combinational Transform (f) INPUT(t) (S) Combinational Logic (g) OUTPUT(O) sequential delay model E=f(I) St+1=f(St ,E) O=g(St )
Several subsets of the general sequential circuit model Excitation Variables INPUT(t) Combinational Combinational Memory Transform CLK (S) OUTPUT(O) State variables Simple sequential counter model E=f(St S+1=f(S,E) O=gsy
Several Subsets of the general sequential circuit model Excitation Variables Memory M State Variables CLK (E) Combinational Transform (f) INPUT(t) (S) Combinational Logic (g) OUTPUT(O) Simple sequential counter model E=f(St ) St+1=f(St ,E) O=g(St )
Several subsets of the general sequential circuit model Excitation Variables E=f(I INPUT(t)- Combinational H(E) Memory Combinational OUTPUT(O) f(s,E Moore sequential circuit model Excitation Variables E=f(,Sy INPUT(t) Combinational Memory Combinational OUTPUT(O) State Variables Mealy sequential circuit model
Several Subsets of the general sequential circuit model Excitation Variables Memory M State Variables CLK (E) Combinational Transform (f) INPUT(t) (S) Combinational Logic (g) OUTPUT(O) Excitation Variables Memory M State Variables CLK (E) Combinational Transform (f) INPUT(t) (S) Combinational Logic (g) OUTPUT(O) Moore sequential circuit model Mealy sequential circuit model E=f(I,St ) St+1=f(St ,E) O=g(St ) E=f(I,St ) St+1=f(St ,E) O=g(I,St )
Alternatives in ff choice Type of FF d Q SR 八 CLK CLK positive gative JK edge-triggered edge-triggered flip-flop flip-flop T Type of triggering Untriggered(asynchronous) Level-triggered(C=1) CLK Edge-triggered(rising or falling edge transparent ofc (level-sensitive) latch
Alternatives in FF choice ◼ Type of FF ➢ SR ➢ D ➢ JK ➢ T ◼ Type of triggering ➢ Untriggered (asynchronous) ➢ Level-triggered (C=1) ➢ Edge-triggered (rising or falling edge of C) D Q CLK positive edge-triggered flip-flop D Q G CLK transparent (level-sensitive) latch D Q CLK negative edge-triggered flip-flop
Clock Signal Clock generator: periodic train of clock pulses Figure 5.1 Clock signals T
Clock Signal Clock generator: Periodic train of clock pulses