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《新编大学英语》课程教学资源(讲稿)第1册:Unit 2 Psychology in Our Daily Life
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I. Teaching aims: 1) to learn the new words and expressions )to improve reading skills 3)to analyze the structure of the text II. Focus of teaching:
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I Teaching aims: 1. to learn the new words and expressions; 2. to improve reading skills 3. to analyze the structure of the text II.Teaching focus: 1.key words:
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I Teaching aims: 1. to learn the new words and expressions; 2. to improve reading skills 3. to analyze the structure of the text II.Teaching focus: 1.key words:
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I Teaching aims: 1. to learn the new words and expressions; 2. to improve reading skills 3. to analyze the structure of the text II.Teaching focus: 1.key words:
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Unit Three I Teaching aims: 1. to learn the new words and expressions; 2. to improve reading skills 3. to analyze the structure of the text II.Teaching focus: 1.key words:
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Unit Two Teaching aims: 1. to learn the new words and expressions; 2. to improve reading skills 3. to analyze the structure of the text II.Teaching focus: 1.key words:
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1. to learn the new words and expressions; 2. to improve reading skills 3. to analyze the structure of the text II.Teaching focus: 1.key words:
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:35.27MB 文档页数:53
Pre-Reading Activities Text New Word Reading Text: Language Points Newspaper Reading Exercise Check-up endence Assignment
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:21.16MB 文档页数:62
Background Information Organization of the Text Introductory Questions Text& New Word Reading Intensive Study Exercise Check-up Assignment
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