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1.了解现代期货交易制度以及期货交易的机构安排; 2.系统学习金融期货的运作机制、定价以及在风险管理、套利方面的应用
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(五)较复杂的垂直价差交易蝶状价差(Butterfly Spread A、定义:该策略系由投资者买进两个期权和卖出两个期权所形 成。这些被买进的和被子卖出的期权属于同一个垂直系列,即它 们的到期日相同,标的物相同,只是协定价格不同
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一、产生背景 1、70年代的固定汇率制的崩溃,浮动汇率制的实行汇率风险加剧,避险需求的不断增强。 2、利率波动的日益频繁和剧烈,利率风险加剧,避险需求的不断增强
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1.学习远期价格的确定,包括远期利率与远期汇率 2.学习金融学中的一种重要定价方法��套利定价 3.掌握远期利率协议的运作机制及其在风险管理方面的 应用
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第一节予备知识 一、有关概念(外汇、汇率、套算汇率) (一)外汇 外汇简而言之是通用国际汇兑的简称,其含义有二:一是指经济主体将一种货币兑换成另一种货 币,以满足各种原因引起的国际支付或国际清偿的行为;二是指以外币表示的资产。其具体存在的 形式有:①外国货币(纸币、铸币);②外币支付凭证(票证、银行存款凭证等);③外币有价证券 (政府债券、公司债券、股票等)①现钞外汇;②③是现汇外汇
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Check n. A written order to a bank to pay the amount specified from funds on deposit;, a draft. 支票给银行从存款中支付具体款项的书面支票;汇票 Issue v.tr. To circulate or distribute in an official capacity:
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支票给银行从存款中支付具体款项的书面支票:汇票 Issue v tr. To circulate or distribute in an official capacity 流通,发出通过政府机关流通或分配 Automatic teller machine Nowhere adv.无处;任何地方都不 nowhere to hide We are nowhere near your bank. cashier n(商店等的)出纳员,(银行或公司的)司库
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Example AFI has SOLD for $300,000 a European call on 100,000 shares of a non-dividend paying stock: S 0 =49 =50 r=5%=20% μ=13% T =20 weeks The Black-Scholes value of the option is $240,000 How does the Fl hedge its risk?
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Standard Approach to Estimating Volatility (Equation 15.1 Define on as the volatility per day between day n-1 and day n, as estimated at end of day n-1 · Define, as the value of market variable at end of day i Define ui= In(S /Si-1)
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The stock Price Assumption Consider a stock whose price is s In a short period of time of length At the change in then stock price S is assumed to be normal with mean Sdt and standard deviation os√△, that is, S follows geometric Brownian motion ds=u Sdt+oSdz Then dInS=( )dt+oda
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