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一、目的要求 1、 掌握实验的基本要素和基本原则 2、 掌握常用的实验设计方案 3、 掌握样本含量估计的影响因素了解其估算方法 4、 了解临床试验设计的内容
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Endocrinology (1) Roughly a hundred years ago, Starling coined the term hormone to describe secretin, a substance secreted by the small intestine into the blood stream to stimulate pancreatic secretion. In his Croonian Lectures, Starling considered the endo￾crine and nervous systems as two distinct mechanisms for coordination and control of organ function
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一、目的要求 掌握实验的基本要素和基本原则 掌握常用的实验设计方案 掌握样本含量估计的影响因素了解其估算方法 了解临床试验设计的内容
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一、吸烟 二、大于80%的肺癌发病与吸烟有关 三、死亡相对危险度较不吸烟者高15-20倍 四、被动吸烟 五、25%的不吸烟者肺癌与其有关
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Summarization Definition: serum total bilirubin (STB)> 34umol/L, causing a yellow color of skin, sclera and tissue fluid · Latent icterus: an increase of STB but not more than 34umol/L, without color changes of skin and sclera False jaundice: yellow skin and sclera but without hyperbilirubinemia, due to ingestion of some drugs and foods
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1.解剖学“鼻烟壶”的位置、边界、窝底 结构及其临床意义 2.腋腔的内容 3.三边孔和四边孔的围成及其通过的结构 4肱动脉的来源、行程、分支和分部
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Epidemiology 6th leading cause of death in U.S. Number one Among the infectious diseases 5.6 million patients annually in US Incidence 5~10/1,000/year Mortality in OPD patients 1-5 %, but Inpatients 25%, ICU 50-60%
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◼ 止血、凝血和纤溶机制 ◼ 血管壁检测 ◼ 血小板检测 ◼ 凝血因子检测 ◼ 抗凝物质检测 ◼ 纤溶活性检测 ◼ 检测项目的选择和应用
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一、有机磷农药特性 (Specific Properties) 1.化学基本结构(Chemical basic structure R1-r1,R2为甲烷基或乙烷基 X为烷氧基,丙基或其他 2氧或硫
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