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Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria of the genus Brucella These bacteria are primarily passed among animals, and they cause disease in many different vertebrates Various Brucella species affect sheep, goats, cattle, deer, elk, pigs, dogs, and several other animals Humans become infected by coming in contact witl animals or animal products that are contaminated with these bacteria
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网络营销 一、网络营销与电子商务 网上贸易 网络营销 网上商务 网络营销并不是电子商务。仅仅是电子商务系统的一个组成部分。因为网络营销不涉及到网上销售、支付和送货。同时这也是网络营销发展的空间(不用理会法律、技术安全、认证、支付和配送问题)
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As aerosols are important sources of infection, care should be taken to reduce the extent of their formation and dispersion Hazardous aerosols can be generated by many laboratory operations, e.g. blending, mixing, grinding, shaking, stirring, sonicating and centrifuging of infectious materials. Even when safe equipment is used, it is best to carry out these operations in an approved biological safety cabinet whenever possible
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( 1)轴和轴承在预期寿命内不失效; ( 2)轴上零件在轴上准确定位与固定,以及轴系在箱体上的可靠固定; (3)轴系结构有良好的工艺性; (4)好的经济性
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传动零件必须借助其他零部件的支持才能传递运动与动力。这种起支持作用的零 部件称为支承零部件。支承零部件主要有轴和轴承
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一、课程的性质和任务 本课程是文秘专业的主要专业课程,也是文 秘人员从事该职业的职业技能之一。其主要 任务是:介绍公关口才艺术的基本原理和艺 术技巧,使学生认识到口才在现代社会中的 重要作用,拓宽学生知识面,提高学生口才 能力,为学生未来走向社会从事文秘工作打 下良好的基础
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A basic knowledge of disinfection and sterilization is crucial for biosafety in the laboratory. Since heavily soiled items cannot promptly be disinfected or sterilized, it is equally important to understand the fundamentals of cleaning prior to disinfection (precleaning). In this regard, the following general principles apply to all known classes of microbial pathogens
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1、改性沥青混合料设计 1.1一般规定 1.2确定矿料级配范围 1.3材料的选择与准备 1.4矿料配合比设计 1.5马歇尔试验
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一、填空题 1、会计信息系统包括( )和( )两个方面内容。 2、会计电算化信息处理的特点为( )、( )与( )。 3、 随着电子计算机的应用,会计信息的保存形式从纸质的转变( )为主,从可视转变为不可视
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一、填空题 1、( )是经过加工处理后有用的会计数据; 2、( )汇总会计信息,财产清查是确认是( )信息; 3、对会计信息的要求( )正确、( )正确、( )正确;
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