Missy Cummings Mary( Missy) Cummings received her B.S. in Mathematics from the United States Naval Academy in 1988, her M.S. in Space Systems Engineering from the Naval postgraduate School in 1994, and her Ph. D in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia in 2003. A naval officer and military pilot from
Tort Law for Federalists(and the Rest of Us) Private law in disguise John C P Gold Vanderbilt law school (Forthcoming, 28 Harv. J. L& Pub. Policy_(2004)) Abstract This essay argues in favor of understanding tort law as a law of private redress, rather than public regulatory law. Part I uses the U. S. Supreme Court's 2003 decision on punitive damages in State Farm Mut. Ins CO. l: Campbell to demonstrate some of the with formalist reasoning, an elevation of common law over statute, or political conservatism
69 Broadcasting R.C. Dorf, Z. Wan, J.F. Lindsey I, D.F. Doelitzsch, J. Whitaker, M.S. Roden, S. Salek, A. H. Clegg Modulation and Demodulation. Radio. Television Systems. High-Definition Television. Digital Audio Broadcasting
Digital Devices 79 Logic Elements G. L. Moss P. Graham, R.S. Sandige, H.S. Hinto IC Logic Family Operation and Characteristics. Logic Gates (IC). Bistable Devices.Optical Devices