1:若方程y+p(x)y=0的一个特解为y=cos2x则该方程满足初值条件y(0)=2的 特解为() A cos 2x+2 B cos 2x+1 C2 coS x cos 2X 答案D 解:将y=cos2x代入方程求出函数p(x)再求解方程得到正确答案为D.也可以作 如下分析一阶线性齐次方程 y+p(x)y=0任意两个解只差一个常数因子所以A,B,C三个选项都不是该方程的解 2微分方程“卫
Non-Inertial Reference Frame Gravitational attraction The Law of Universal Attraction was already introduced in lecture D1. The law postulates that the force of attraction between any two particles, of masses M and m, respectively, has a magnitude, F, given by F= (1) where r is the distance between the two particles, and G is the universal constant of gravitation. The value of G is empirically determined to be
In lecture D2 we introduced the position velocity and acceleration vectors and referred them to a fixed cartesian coordinate system. While it is clear that the choice of coordinate system does not affect the final answer, we shall see that, in practical problems, the choice of a specific system may simplify the calculations considerably. In previous lectures, all the vectors at all points in the trajectory were expressed in the