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65.1 Introduction 65.2 Primary Distribution System 65.3 Secondary Distribution System 65.4 Radial Distribution System 65.5 Secondary Networks 65.6 Load Characteristics George G. Karady
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63.1 Power System Analysis Introduction Types of Power System Analyses The Power Flow Problem. Formulation of the Bus Admittance Matrix.Example L.L. Grigsby and Formulation of the Power Flow Equations. P-V Buses.Bus
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rnating Current Overhead: Line Parameters, 61.1 Alternating Models, Standard Voltages, Insulators ine Line Parameters. Models- Standard Voltages.Insulators Mo-Shing Chen 61.2 Alternating Current Underground: Line Parameters, University of Texas at Arlington Models, Standard Voltages, Cables Cable Parameters.Models. Standard Voltages. CableStandards K.C. Lai 61.3 High-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission
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79.1 IC Logic Family Operation and Characteristics IC Logic Families and Subfamilies TTL Logic Family .CMOS Gregory L. Moss Logic Family ECL Logic Family Logic Family Circuit Parameters. Interfacing Between Logic Families
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77.1 Introduction to Telemetry 77.2 Measuring and Transmitting 77.3 Applications of Telemetry Power Sources. Power Plants 77.4 Limitations of Telemetry 77.5 Transmitters and Batteries 77.6 Receivers and Discriminators 77.7 Antennas and Total System
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75.1 Mobile Radio and Cellular Communications cation and The Difference between Fixed-to-Fixed Radio Communication an Mobile Communication-Natur tural Problems in Mobile Radio Communications. Description of Mobile Radio Systems
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通过本章的学习,了解一些主要的传 播模式与相关理论,如5W模式、把关人理 论、两级传播模式、受众选择“3S”论、 议题设置论等;同时,掌握一些主要的传 播媒介知识,如文字大众传媒、电子大众 传媒、国际互联网等,了解公共关系的基 本手段
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一、实验原理 1、超声波的特性 声波是一种弹性波,超声波是频率在 2×10Hz~1012z的声波 超声波具有方向性好、穿透力强、易于产生和接 收、探头体积小等特点 2、超声波的应用 无损检测:海洋中的探测、材料的无损检测、医 学诊断、地质勘探 改变材料性质:超声手术、超声清洗、超声焊接 制造表面波电子器件:振荡器、延迟器、滤波器 等
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随着我国改革开放的深入和社会主义市场经济体制与竞 争机制的逐步建立,平面广告设计正发挥着日益重要的作用, 作为现代信息产业的重要组成部分,广告已成为商品推销的 重要手段,它宣传商品,加速商品的交换,不断促进生产与 流通,生产和消费之间的联系
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