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 §3.1 二维随机变量  §3.2 边缘分布  §3.3 条件分布  §3.4 相互独立的随机变量  §3.5 两个随机变量的函数的分布
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§6.1 点估计的几种方法 §6.2 点估计的评价标准 §6.3 最小方差无偏估计 §6.4 贝叶斯估计 §6.5 区间估计
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§8.1 假设检验 §8.2 正态总体均值的假设检验 §8.3 正态总体方差的假设检验 §8.6 分布拟合检验
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5.1 Random Vectors and Joint Probability Distributions 5.2 Marginal Distributions 5.3 Conditional Distributions 5.4 Independence 5.5 Bivariate Transformation 5.6 Bivariate Normal Distribution 5.7 Expectations and Covariance 5.8 Joint Moment Generating Function 5.9 Implications of Independence on Expectations 5.10 Conditional Expectations 5.11 Conclusion
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7.1 Limits and Orders of Magnitude: A Review 7.2 Motivation for Convergence Concepts 7.3 Convergence in Quadratic Mean and 𝑳𝑳𝒑𝒑-Convergence 7.4 Convergence in Probability 7.5 Almost Sure Convergence 7.6 Convergence in Distribution 7.7 Central Limit Theorems 7.8 Conclusion
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8.1 Population and Distribution Model 8.2 Maximum Likelihood Estimation 8.3 Asymptotic Properties of MLE 8.4 Method of Moments and Generalized Method of Moments 8.5 Asymptotic Properties of GMM 8.6 Mean Squared Error Criterion 8.7 Best Unbiased Estimators 8.8 Cramer-Rao Lower Bound 8.9 Conclusion
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3.1 Random Variables 3.2 Cumulative Distribution Function 3.3 Discrete Random Variables(DRV) 3.4 Continuous Random Variables 3.5 Functions of a Random Variable 3.6 Mathematical Expectation 3.7 Moments 3.8 Quantiles 3.9 Moment Generating Function (MGF) 3.10 Characteristic Function 3.11 Conclusion
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第1节 假设检验的基本思想 第2节 正态总体的均值假设检验 一、标准差已知的单个正态总体均值假设检验 二、标准差未知的单个正态总体均值假设检验 三、比较两个正态总体均值的检验 四、成对数据t检验 第3节 正态总体的方差假设检验 一、单个正态总体的方差检验 二、比较两个正态总体方差的检验
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§7.1 点估计 §7.2 基于截尾样本的最大似然估计 §7.3 估计量的评选标准 §7.4 区间估计 §7.5 正态总体均值和方差的区间估计 §7.6 (0-1)分布参数的区间估计 §7.7 单侧置信区间
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§7.1 假设检验的基本思想与概念 §7.2 正态总体参数假设检验 §7.3 其它分布参数的假设检验 §7.4 分布拟合检验
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