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主要掌握的内容 1.相对挥发度定义; 2.理想溶液的相平衡方程; 3.物料衡算式; 4.三条操作线方程; 5.热状态参数的确定; 6.回流比与最小回流比的计算 7.理论塔板数计算,图解法,逐板计算法,捷 算法
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The most characteristic reactions of benzenoid arenes are the substitution reactions that occur when they react with electrophilic reagents. The electrophiles are either a positive ion (E+) or some other electron-deficient species with a large partial positive charge
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A ring that contains at least one heteroatom (an atom other than carbon) is called a heterocycle, and a substance based on a heterocyclic ring is a heterocyclic compound. Heterocyclic compounds containing N, O or S are by far the most common
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分离过程是将混合物分成组成互不相同的两种或几种产品的操作。 分离操作的作用:①为化学反应提供符合质量要求的原料,清除对反应或催化剂有害的 杂质,减少副反应和提高收率;②对反应产物起着分离提纯作用,以得到合格的产品,并使 未反应的反应物得以循环利用
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一、流动类型对反应结果的影响 (a) 对反应液整体均匀照射 (b) 对小部分反应液照射辐射能量相同
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7.1 芳香烃的分类 结构及命名 Classification, Structures and Nomenclature of Aromatic Compounds 7.2 芳香烃的来源及物理性质 Sources and Physical Properties of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
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Compounds were classified as being either aliphatic or aromatic in the latter part of the nineteenth century. To be classified as aliphatic meant then that the chemical behavior of a compound was “fatlike”. To be classified as aromatic meant then that the compound had a low hydrogen/carbon ratio and that it was “fragrant
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A UV-Vis spectrophotometer measures the amount of light absorbed at each wavelength of the UV and visible regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. λmax— the wavelength of maximum absorption
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第一节 气-固相催化反应的宏观过程 第二节 催化剂颗粒内气体的扩散
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第一节 连续反应器中物料混合状态分析 第二节 停留时间分布的测定及其性质
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