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一、设计准则 系统设计所依据的性能指标为:稳态指标与动态指标。 (1)稳态性能指标(稳态误差e):对应于给定输入x(t)所引起的偏差ex对阶跃响应e=1斜波响应eKv
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华中科技大学:《数控技术》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第4章 进给伺服驱动系统 4.4 进给伺服系统的控制原理和方法
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Handout 19: More about Dual-input describing functions- Limit cycle stability analysis Eric Feron April 16, 2004 Dual-input describing functions for Toggle switch Another servo-motor application
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Handout 18: Dual-input describing functions Eric Feron April 5,2004 Dual-input describing functions are for mixed signals(sinusoid small constant signal) Approximating non-constant signals with constant ones
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Handout 13: More about plants with right half-plane zeros Eric Feron March 15, 2004 Right half-plane zeros and sensor/actuator design Influence of sensor position on system dynamics: Star Market
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Handout 10: Notch compensation Eric Feron March 5.2004 Notch Compensation goals: Kill nasty frequencies(eg resonant fre Canonical Notch element
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Handout 10: Notch compensation Eric Feron March 8, 2004 Notch Compensation goals: Kill nasty frequencies (eg resonant fre- quencies). Canonical Notch element:
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