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Staphylococci Important human pathogen – Causes both relatively minor and serious diseases One of the hardiest of the non￾sporeforming bacteria – Can exist on dry surfaces for a long period – Relatively heat-resistant; temperature range
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Production of Ab and Activation of Macrophages and Cytotoxic T Cells T-Dependent T-Independent
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Definition – Soluble substances that alter normal metabolism of host cells with deleterious effects on the host Host range – Known for bacteria, but possible that they play a role in diseases caused by fungi
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一、体积小面积大 二、吸收多转化快 三、生长旺繁殖快 四、适应强易变异 五、分布广种类多
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一、碳源(carbon source) (一)定义:凡是可以被微生物用来构成细胞物质的或代谢产物中碳素来源的营养物质 (二)碳源谱:如教材表5-2 (三)碳源特点
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一。病毒形态构造和化学组成 (一I病毒的大小
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第一节测定微生物繁殖的方法 一、测生长量 二、测繁殖数
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第一节 直线回归 第二节 直线相关 *第三节 曲线回归
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第一节 统计量与分布 第二节 适合性检验 第三节 独立性检验
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