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什么叫电分析化学?尽管存在不同意见,一些著名学者还是提出了大多数人可接受的定义。50年代,I.M. Kolthoff 提出:Electroanalytical Chemistry is the application of electrochemistry to analytical chemistry
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8.1 硬件设计概述 8.2 DSP系统的基本设计 8.3 DSP的电平转换电路设计 8.4 DSP存储器和I/O的扩展 8.5 DSP与A/D和D/A转换器的接口 8.6 DSP系统的硬件设计实例
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3.2PN结的形成及特性 3.2.1在室温(300K)情况下,若二极管的反向饱和电流为1nA,问它的正 向电流为0.5mA时应加多大的电压?设二极管的指数模型为i=l5(e\-1),其 中n=1,Vr=26mV
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Part I(25%) Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections Section A Direction: In this section, there are15 incomplete. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate words from the four choices
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Part I Vocabulary and Structure (points) Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections Section A(20X 1)
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1 求图中环心O 处的磁场. 2 无限长直导线在P 处完成半径为R 的圆,当通以电流I 时,求圆心O 点的磁感强度大小
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定义6.1一个概率分布族是由{1}的一个无穷 子集,称为指标集,和每个指标i∈1对应一个 概率分布p,(x)dp(x)≥0p,(x)=1构成,其中 x∈D Di为{0,1}的一个有穷子集
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高等数学第十章习题 一、选择填空 1、已知曲面的方程为x2+y2+z2=a2,则(x2+y2+z2)dS=() (A)0(B)2ma4(C)4ma4(D)6a4 2、已知=(x+ay)i+y为某一二元函数的梯度,则a=() (x+y)2 (A)-1(B)0(C)1D)2 3、已知f(u)为连续函数,则(x2+y2)dy=()
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6.1 总 线 6.2 80C51的时序 6.3 扩展并行的I/O端口 6.4 80C51与D/A转换器的接口 6.7 省电 方式 6.6 80C51的复位 6.5 A/D转换电路与80C51的接口
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Product development has been a major activity in the food industry for over 40 years, but only gradually has it developed as a strategic business area and also as an advanced technology. For a long time it was essentially a craft, loosely related to the research and engineering areas in the company. The pressures for product development came very strongly from the needs of the growing supermarkets for a constantly changing, extensive mix of products and for continuous price promotions. So there was the drive for product difference
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