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一、船用泵的作用 二、船用泵的分类 三、泵的性能参数
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一、活塞式空压机的结构 重点掌握级差式结构、气阀、润滑和冷却的特点 二、活塞式空压机的自动控制 自动控制环节及作用,自动起停运转的压力范围
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第一章船用泵 第一节泵的分类和性能参数 0001下列泵中属于叶轮式泵的是 A.齿轮泵B.叶片泵C.水环泵D.旋涡泵 0002不属于回转式容积式泵的是 A.水环泵B.齿轮泵C.螺杆泵D.旋涡泵
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一、 排气量为60m3/h,转速为750r/min 二、 一级额定Pd为0.64MPa 三、二级额定Pd为3MPa
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(1)一般检查 应无妨碍转动的障碍,仪表和装置正常刚检修或久置未用的机器应盘车1~2转
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锚锭的出现和变化 田丁个加时出现的。开始需要停船时,就把用 绳子系着的大石块,装着石块的篓筐或者是沙石袋沉入水 底把船拖住。公元前3000年,中国和埃及的水手们曾经使 用这种锚。后来用坚韧的木料在其下部绑上两个木爪制成 了“木锚”,当时称锭”,让它斜着抓住泥土,十分牢固
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一、理论工作循环[Working cycle] 理论循环p-v图特点,绝热、等温、多变压缩过程 二、实际工作循环 影响实际工作循环的因素
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3.4 ALFA-LAVAL Separator MAPX 207S-20 general information 3.4.1 MAPX information Contents – Correct installation, suitable treatment of the liquid before and after the passage through the machine, – correct operation and handling of the machine according to the directions given in instruction book, – cleanliness, carefulness and methodical overhaul are factors of the greatest importance for ensuring the best machine function and intended results
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To ensure good combustion in diesel engines and reduce wear and corrosion in this type of engine it may be necessary to remove certain impurities from fuel and lubricating oils. These include ash, various salts and water present in fuel oil and carbonaceous matter, metals, acids and water present in used lubricating oil. carbonaceous
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5.2 Operation Safety regulations In all centrifugal separators the bowl rotates at a very high speed, normally between 100 and l50 revolutions per second. Thus, very great forces are released and it is essential, therefore, to follow strictly the directions given in the Instruction Book concerning assembly of parts, starting, stopping and overhaul
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