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The primary source of alkanes is petroleum Natural gas consists chiefly of methane, but ethane, propane, butane, and isobutane are also present. Petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons that must be refined into different fraction before it can be used
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Functional groups The structural features that make it possible to classify compounds by reactivity are called functional groups. A functional group is a part of a larger molecule and is composed of an atom or a group of atoms that have a characteristic chemical behavior. The Chemistry of every organic molecules
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Quinones are an interesting and valuable class of compounds because of their oxidation-reduction, or redox, properties. The redox properties of quinones are important to the functioning of living cells, where compounds called ubiquinones(泛醌) act as biochemical oxidizing agents to mediate the electro-transfer processes involved in energy production
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17.1 The Acidity of the α Hydrogens of Carbonyl Compounds: Enolate Anions 17.2 Keto and Enol Tautomers 17.3 Reactions via Enols and Enolate Anions
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More reactive than benzene toward electrophilic substitution NO2 An deactivating group Less reactive than benzene toward electrophilic substitution Ortho-para director Meta director
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第一章 结构与性质 第二章 波谱法及其在有机化学中的应用 第三章 开链烃 第四章 碳环烃 第五章 旋光异构 第六章 卤代烃 第七章 醇、酚、醚 第八章 醛、酮、醌 第九章 羧酸、羧酸衍生物和取代酸 第十章 含氮有机化合物 第十一章 含硫和含磷化合物 第十二章 杂环化合物和生物碱 第十三章 碳水化合物 第十四章 氨基酸、蛋白质和核酸 第十五章 油脂和类脂化合物
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第一章 结构与性质 第二章 波谱法及其在有机化学中的应用 第三章 开链烃 第四章 碳环烃 第五章 旋光异构 第六章 卤代烃 第七章 醇、酚、醚 第八章 醛、酮、醌 第九章 羧酸、羧酸衍生物和取代酸 第十章 含氮有机化合物 第十一章 含硫和含磷化合物 第十二章 杂环化合物和生物碱 第十三章 碳水化合物 第十四章 氨基酸、蛋白质和核酸 第十五章 油脂和类脂化合物
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第一章 结构与性质 第二章 波谱法及其在有机化学中的应用 第三章 开链烃 第四章 碳环烃 第五章 旋光异构 第六章 卤代烃 第七章 醇、酚、醚 第八章 醛、酮、醌 第九章 羧酸、羧酸衍生物和取代酸 第十章 含氮有机化合物 第十一章 含硫和含磷化合物 第十二章 杂环化合物和生物碱 第十三章 碳水化合物 第十四章 氨基酸、蛋白质和核酸 第十五章 油脂和类脂化合物
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Compounds were classified as being either aliphatic or aromatic in the latter part of the nineteenth century. To be classified as aliphatic meant then that the chemical behavior of a compound was “fatlike”. To be classified as aromatic meant then that the compound had a low hydrogen/carbon ratio and that it was “fragrant
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Conjugated unsaturated systems have a p orbital on a carbon adjacent to a double bond The p orbital can come from another double or triple bond The p orbital may be the empty p orbital of a carbocation or a p orbital with a single electron in it (a radical)
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