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本节我们试图建立关于传染病的传播过程的数学模型.大 家对2003年春的SAAS依然铭刻于心,因为它给我们国家带 来了非常巨大的损失,一度情形非常危急.另外,象爱滋病,肺 结核,传染性肝炎等传染病也极大地危害着人们的生命财 产安全
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机械振动在介质中的传播称为机械波。 声波、水波 波动是一切微观粒子的属性, 与微观粒子对应的波称为物质波。 各种类型的波有其特殊性,但也有普遍的共性, 有类似的波动方程
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它还可以用来近似描述其他受环境约束的事物的增 长规律,如:种群数量的增长,传染病的传播,耐用消费 品在有限市场上的销售等
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RPM 是 Red Hat 公司开发的软件包管理器,使用它可以很容易地对 RPM 形式的软件包 进行安装、升级、卸载、校验、和查询等操作。 RPM 虽然是为 Linux 而设计的,但是它已经移值到 SunOS、Solaris、AIX 和 Irix 等其 他 UNIX 操作系统上了。RPM 遵循 GPL 版权协议,用户可以在符合 GPL 协议的条件下自 由使用及传播 RPM
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第一节 茶的发现与最初利用 第二节 茶的起源-源于中国 第三节 饮茶业的开始 第四节 茶的早期传播 第五节 兴盛的唐代茶文化 第六节 宋代鼎盛时期的茶文化
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We examine the patterns of media ownership in 97 countries around the world. We find that almost universally the largest media firms are owned by the government or by private families. Government ownership is more pervasive in broadcasting than in the printed media. Government ownership of the media is generally associated with less press freedom, fewer political and economic
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1、态势语言: 语言除了有声语言表达外,还有辅助语言,就是态势语。态势语的研究是从 20 世纪 60 年代开始的, 有的人对它进行研究,说:有一条信息如果传播出去,所有的效果中间只有 38%是有声的,7%是语言(词), 55%的信号是无声的,所以每个人,每天平均说的话只有 10-11 分时间
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Legal History for a Dummy: A Comment on the Role of History in Judicial Interpretation of the Confrontation Clause by Peter Tillers* I struggled quite a bit over what I should talk about today. I know a little bit about exploratory fact investigation1 and about related matters such as induction and what philosophers of science call the logic of discovery.2 I thought about discussing the worrisome implications of Crawford v. Washington3
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Washington & Lee Public Law and Legal Theory Research Paper Series Working Paper No. 01-03 November 2000 ENHANCING THE SPECTRUM: MEDIA POWER, DEMOCRACY, AND THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS
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(Harvard University and NBER) October 1, 2002 Abstract There are two di erent types of media bias. One bias, which we refer to as ideology, re ects a news outlet's desire to a ect reader opinions in a particular direction. The second bias, which we refer to as spin
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